Cream Paste with Seafood

Cream Paste with Seafood

All those who loved pasta in Italy are called pasta and prepare a little different than in Russia. They are served with red and white sauces, which are complemented by seafood, meat or mushrooms. In this article we will tell how to prepare pasta with seafood.

First, purchase a frozen sea cocktail in the store. It contains purified mussels, shrimp and octopus tentacles. Boil the favorite view of the macaroni in salt water and add a tablespoon of olive oil to them. Skip garlic through the garlic and fry on the oil, pour down bowel and pass another 2 minutes. Pour oily cream, pour the grated cheese and boil the mixture a couple of minutes. After that, lay it up in the sauce frosthed marine cocktail and keep on average fire for another 3-5 minutes.

Do not stand, seafood will become hard. After that, lay out the sauce on pasta. Serve hot-wine dish with white wine. For piquancy decorate pasta with thin plates of blue cheese.

If you are a tomato sauce admirer, prepare the paste with shrimps and tomatoes. Ingredients:

  • paste;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 100 ml of fatty cream;
  • 200 g of purified shrimp;
  • 250 g champignons;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • olive oil for frying;
  • grated cheese.

Boil the paste in salted water. While she is brewed, make the cooking sauce. Fry garlic on oil, and then lay out tomatoes chopped into the pan, sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin plates. When the vegetables become soft, add champignons, cream and shrimp. Suck and pepper the sauce. Before serving on the table, paint pasta sauce and sprinkle with grated parmesan. You can add a parsley or cilantro.

Cream Paste with Seafood

There is a simplified recipe for cooking paste. To do this, you need to boil 5 minutes a sea cocktail. While seafood will be boiled, boil your favorite pasta to readiness. Now fry the boiled sea cocktail and pour the glass of cream. When the mass leaves a little, pour spices and grated solid cheese. Pour the sauce on the paste and decorate the dish of greens.

Cream Paste with Seafood

Classic recipe often use Italians. There is no cheese in the dish, sauce is prepared from canned tomatoes and fatty cream. Sea inhabitants need to fry for a few minutes on olive oil. After that, fill the seafood tomatoes from the can and cream. Heat the mixture of 2-3 minutes, do not forget about the spices. Pour sauce on boiled pasta. Italian pasta from solid wheat varieties or ordinary pasta made in Russia can be used. On 4 portions it is necessary to half aklogram of seafood, 300 g of tomatoes and 200 g of cream. If you do not have canned tomatoes, you can quote fresh tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin from them.

If you are preparing a paste for guests, add a red fish fillet into a dish. For the preparation of sauce, fry on the creamy oil tiger shrimps and salmon fillet, sliced \u200b\u200bby plates. Fill seafood with a glass of white wine and boil until half of the liquid drop away. After that, pour the cream mixture. Boil spaghetti and add them to sauce. Before serving, decorate the dish with thin plates of cheese and chopped greens.

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