How to prepare Adzhika

How to prepare Adzhika

Home adzhik is much more delicious shopping sauces. At the same time, it is more useful, because there are no preservatives in it. Adzhika can be prepared absolutely for every taste: sweet, sharp, boiled, raw, only with vegetables or with the addition of fruit. This seasoning is suitable for meat dishes, it is good to squeeze spaghetti, adzhika can be used when baking pizza. Adzhik will help and in the event that there was no meal in the house, but I really want to eat. Bashed with acute adzhika black slot bread with a laid sliced \u200b\u200bsliced \u200b\u200bsala - tastier this sandwich is nothing!

How to cook adzhika - essential products

Almost all vegetables, greens and spices are used for Adzhika. The basis of the home sauce is mostly tomatoes, but sometimes they are replaced by tomato paste. Vegetables it is better to even take a little overprained, so Adzhika will turn out to be juicy. Spices and greenery can be varied, i.e. In each specific recipe add them more or less - according to your desire.

How to prepare adzhik boiled with tomatoes, apples and garlic

  • For Adzhika, take 5 kg of tomatoes, 0.5 kg of bow, acidic apples, carrots, bell pepper. All twisted on the meat grinder.
  • Also shred out 5 pieces of bitter pepper.
  • In a vegetable mass, pour 2 glasses of vegetable oil and put 2 tablespoons of sugar and the same salt.
  • Boil Adzhik on a slow fire for 2 hours, and then put the garlic crushed in the press (8-10 poles).
  • Boil for another 20 minutes.
  • Spread Adzhik on sterilized jars and close their lids.
  • When the workpiece will cool, transfer it to the cold.

How to prepare Adzhik boiled with zucchi and sweet pepper

Cut pieces:

  • zucchini - 5 kg;
  • sweet red pepper - 1 kg;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg.

Twist everything on the meat grinder along with:

  • garlic - 200 g;
  • gorky pepper - 300 g;
  • petrushka and dill - 1 large beam.

Mass put in a saucepan and add: sugar - 200 g, salt - 100 g, vinegar 9% - 5 tbsp, vegetable oil - 500 ml. Boil Adzhik 3 hours, and then spread it on banks. Keep the sauce in the cold.

How to cook adzhik boiled with eggplants

  • Take 2 kg of tomatoes, 1.5 kg of sweet pepper, 2 kg of eggplants, 2-3 pcs. Gorky pepper, 1 cup of garlic lobes.
  • All twist on the meat grinder, and eggplants before this booke for 10 minutes.
  • Vegetable mass Made a salt - to taste, with ground pepper - to taste, vegetable oil - 1 cup, vinegar - 3/4 glasses.
  • Boil Adzhik 1 hour, and then roll up in sterilized banks.

How to prepare adzhik boiled with beet

For Adzhika grind in a blender or meat grinder:

  • sweet pepper - 1 kg;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • carrot - 1 kg;
  • beets - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 6 kg;
  • bitter pepper - 3 pcs.

Mix everything with salt (3 tbsp.), Sunflower oil - 0.5 glasses, vinegar - 1 cup. Boil Adzhik 2 hours. Boil into jars and let cool. Transfer to the refrigerator.

How to cook adzhika crude with hell

  • Grind Khrena root - 300 g, fresh tomatoes - 3 kg, garlic - 300 g.
  • Add 2 tbsp to vegetables. Salts and 200 ml of vinegar 6%.
  • Mix the adjika and give it in the cold of 7 days.
  • Then pour it into banks and keep under the caproic lid in the refrigerator.
  • This adzhik becomes the tastier than she insists longer. The shelf life of raw adzhika is 2-3 months.

How to cook adzhik on tomato paste

For this delicious adzhika, you need to purchase a tomato paste of the highest quality, i.e. Without starch in its composition. Pastes need 500 ml. Mix her with chopped vegetables in meat grinder:

  • pepper sweet large size - 15 pcs.;
  • gorky pepper - 5 pcs.;
  • petrushka fresh - 2 large bundles;
  • garlic Solk - 300 g

Also add:

  • sugar sand - 100 g;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • vinegar fortress is 9% - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 400 ml.

Boil Adzhika 30 minutes on slow fire. Constantly interfere with it so that a thick mass is not burned. Put in the jars and store in the refrigerator. If you want to stock delicacy of the future, then make adzhika in sterilized jars.

Another recipe for delicious adzhika with plums you can see in a video clip.

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