How to cook leaks from pepper and tomatoes

How to cook leaks from pepper and tomatoes

Motherland is Hungary, but they value this dish for an excellent taste to almost around the world. In the classic version, ledge consists of tomatoes and sweet peppers, but there are also variations of the recipe. Prepare lecture with the addition of carrots, with sharp pepper, with eggplants, with tomato paste and even with sausage. There are also options without tomatoes. Recipe cooking lecture on a classic recipe.


  • tomatoes - 1 kg (choose completely ripe fruits with fleshy pulp);
  • sweet pepper - 2 kg (if you take peppers of different colors, it will give the finished dish a beautiful appearance);
  • garlic - 10 - 15 teeth;
  • vegetable oil without smell - 1 cup;
  • greens of parsley, kinse or dill 150 g (take the greens of your taste);
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 1/2 station;
  • salt to taste.

Prepare all the ingredients. Tomatoes, pepper and greens Wash and dry, clean the garlic.

Tomatoes Clean the skin for what to make cruciform cuts from the fruits on them, lower in boiling water for 30 seconds, then shifted into a container with cold water. Now the skin will easily remove. Cut each on 6 slices.

Sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes skip through a meat grinder or grind in any other way. Quickly cope with this task submersible blender. Take the saucepan of suitable size, turn into it crushed tomatoes, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and bring to a boil.

Purified garlic finely disturb or use a special press. Add it to a boiling tomato mixture. The amount of garlic can be increased to 20 teeth or your taste.

Bulgarian pepper Clean the seeds cut into small segments. Cooks recommend cutting every pepper on 8 to 10 oblong parts.

Add pepper to the boiled tomatoam, bring to a boil and prepare on low heat, stirring, 30 minutes. Pepper should become soft but not unloaded.

After 30 minutes, add vinegar and greens, mix, negotiate another 5 minutes and remove from the fire.
Dish is ready. Give it cool and serve as a snack. If you are cooking at the winter, then run it with hot on sterile banks and cape. When filing, decorate with fresh greens.

For fans of sharp dishes, add sharp red pepper to the taste together with the greens.

Lecio - perfectly complement meat or fish dishes. Also very tasty use it as a cold sauce.

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