How to cook chahokhlibe

How to cook chahokhlibe

Chakhokhbilted from the chicken is a thick Georgian dish, it can be served with a side dish and independently. In Georgia there is an opinion that how many owners, so many recipes of this dish. It can be prepared not only from chicken, but also from wild birds (pheasant, partridge), and vegetables, which can also be diversified. All recipes are prepared according to the main principle: meat is first roasted on a hot fracture filament, and then extinguished with vegetables.

How to cook Chakhokhbili - Secrets

To cook a delicious chahokhbil, there is, as in every recipe, their secrets:

  • For Chakhokhbili, only a homemade young chicken is suitable, broiler chickens are not suitable as they are rawren.
  • The chicken is cut by large slices to comfortably take their hands, because before the dish ate with hands.
  • The chicken choose fat, roasted on a dry frying pan to ruddy crust, and the oil is not used to roast it.
  • After meat, the rings of onions, sweet peppers, tomatoes are fried.
  • Spices (hops-soweli, coriander, oregano, saffron) add at the end so that the dish does not bother bitterness.
  • In the ancient recipes, CHAHOKHBILI used wine, and now only occasionally.
  • In some recipes, the walnuts put finely chopped walnuts, they are added at the end of extinguishing.

How to cook chuck out from chicken - recipe

For chahokhbil, you need:

  • 1.5 kg of chicken;
  • 6 medium tomatoes;
  • 4 medium bulbs;
  • 3 Bulgarian peppers;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 bunch of basil and cilantro;
  • 1 small sharp pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon hops-Sunnels;
  • salt to taste.

We start cooking:

  • A fatty chicken cut into medium slices, mine, we dry, lay out on a deep dry hot frying pan, pry to ruddy crust on one side, and then on the other.
  • Cleaning bulbs are cut by semirings, and tip 2-3 minutes together with chicken, on the grease hen highlighted after roasting. If fat is not enough, you can add vegetable or butter.
  • We add to the chicken and onions chopped with straw sweet pepper and fry 5-7 minutes.
  • Tomatoes we run in boiling water, remove the skin, cut into pieces, add to the pan, close with a lid and something for about 20 minutes in our own juice. If there is little liquid, you can add some boiling water.
  • At the end of extinguishing, we add salt, finely chopped bitter pepper and garlic, hops-sunnels, sliced \u200b\u200bgreens.

So, Chakhokhbil is preparing simply and quickly, the dish is very tasty.

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