How to cook garlic arrows

How to cook garlic arrows

Arrows that gardeners are usually climbed with young garlic bushes, can come in handy in the kitchen. Of these, you can prepare a lot of delicious dishes or even put them for the winter in the form of a sharp snack.

Garlic arrows fried

Young garlic arrows (200-250 g) Cut on a piece of 3-4 cm long. Put them on a frying pan with preheated oil (1 tbsp. Creamy and 1 tbsp. Vegetable). So that they put the juice faster, salt them. Touch the arrows for 5 minutes to softness - do it on medium heat. Then increase the fire and achieve the shooters to grop to the crust. This dish can add some dried tomatoes chopped with thin strips.

Fried arrows can be served with any tomato sauce or use them as a garnish to meat or chicken.

Garlic Arrows Stewed with Vegetables

For this dish you will need:

  • garlic arrows - 200 g;
  • onion onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • green peas - 200 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • pepper sweet - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut onion by half rings and fry it on the oil until soft. To put the arrows and carrots, sliced \u200b\u200binto small pieces. Clear everything together 5. Add green peas and sweet pepper slices. Vegetables extinguish another 5 minutes, and then put the garlic and salt and pepper through the press. When the arrows become completely soft, retain the dish from the fire. When feeding, sprinkle parsley greenery.

Raga from garlic arrows and pork

For this dish take all the products equally: young arrows, pork pulp and onion. All the ingredients do with the same pieces and fry on separate frying grounds on almost the finished state. Fry better on olive oil. Then put vegetables and meat into a deep shill and spray to taste. Pour a little vegetable broth or ordinary boiled water and tomit on slow fire 10 minutes. This dish feed hot and sprinkle it with fried sesame seeds.

Pasta snack bar of garlic arrows

This paste resembles pesto sauce and can be used for sandwiches, to add to pasta or for refueling salads. In the latter case, the paste must be additionally distributed by olive oil. How to cook and store paste:

  • In the bowl of the blender, put 250 g of young shooters, 1/2 C.L. Salt, 1 tbsp. Olive oil, 1 tbsp. Lemon juice, a little lemon zest or lime, a pinch of ground pepper.
  • Turn on the blender for small turns and interrupt the sauce 2-3 minutes.
  • Increase the power to the maximum and beat until the pasta looks a little and becomes very plastic.
  • Place the paste in a jar with a lid.
  • Store delicacy in the refrigerator.

Marinated garlic arrows

In half-liter jars, pre-washed with soda and lured with boiling water, laid garlic arrows. Between them, place garlic plates (2-3 pieces) and laurel leaf (1 pc.). Arrows pour boiling water and give the content to cool. When the water becomes room temperature, drain it into the pan and add 2 tsp. Sugar, 1 tsp. Salts and 2 ppm The vinegar is 9% - this amount is calculated on one jar. Bring Marinade to boil and pour them the contents of jars. Cold covers and watch the blanket blank. After 24 hours, place the pickled arrows in the storage room.

Garlic arrows are very well tolerance. In winter, it is easy to make all the dishes described above. For freezing the arrows, first needed 1-2 minutes to hold in boiling water, then cool under the jet of water and be sure to dry on the towel. Only after such preparation, the arrows can already be decomposed on the packages and send to the freezer.

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