How to cook cheese cheese

How to cook cheese cheese

Cottage cheese can be called a universal nutritious dairy product. This animal protein, which in the process of fermentation of the skyscake milk undergoes changes and is collapsed, acquiring invaluable qualities characterizing this product with increased digestibility for the human body and impeccable taste. Skillfully prepared from this snow-white dishes are capable of transferring the beneficial properties of the product and ensure the body necessary for it by trace elements, vitamins, fats and amino acids. One of these evits - cottage cheese cheesecakes - Favorite food of children and adults.

The taste of curd cheese depends on the quality of the main ingredient and the preparation recipe. Using enough "wet" or greasy cottage cheese and not knowing some subtleties in the ratio of flour to the bulk of the product, you can get a completely wrong dish that you expect to see as a result.

Before you start cooking cheesens, you should know the basic rules that you need to follow when working with cottage cheese:

  • The main product of the dish should not be sour. It is unacceptable to use poor-quality and stupid curds, even when adding additional ingredients, the taste of cheesens will be spoiled. The perfect cottage cheese for cheesery is not a dry, homogeneous structure, with percentage of fat from 8 - 20%.
  • Cottage cheese should be air. It is possible to achieve this if it wipe it through a sieve. After, adding the required amount of flour, you will get a gentle and lightweight product.
  • Understanding the proportionality of flour to cottage cheese will come with experience. The smaller the flour, the more delicate and soft taste will be at your cheese.
  • A large number of eggs and sugar will hinder to prepare the mass-needed mass, will not give the opportunity to form a good cheese.
  • Cheesecakes are molded much more convenient, pre-dipped in cold water, hands.
  • Fry the product is needed on a well-heated frying pan with sufficient oil. The intensity of the fire should be small, in order for the dish well penetrated and had a ruddy crust.
  • Dietary cheesecakes can be obtained without ticking them in a frying pan, and baked without oil in the oven.

The recipe for classic cheesens is simple, there are no uncomplicated ingredients. For the preparation of satisfying and useful meals, take:

  • 500 grams of good cottage cheese;
  • 2 small eggs;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. sugar (it is smaller, if the cheese can be supplied with sweet fidu);
  • 100-150 grams of flour (depends on the fat content of the main product and how much "strong" cottages you prefer);
  • pinch of salt and pack of vanilla sugar.

The process of preparation and subsequent cooking is fast and not harsled:

  • Give your curd airiness any of the ways: Wipe through the sieve, break the fork, take the blender.
  • Add eggs, salt, sugar, vanilla and sifted flour. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly.
  • Apply the desired shape and size cottage cheese dough, cutting the resulting cheese from all sides with flour and roast on the hot oil before the formation of a crust, turning it in stages as needed.
  • After, in order to remove excess fat from the surface of the cheese, lay them on a paper towel.
  • Serve to the table with your favorite jam, sour cream, jam, condensed milk, or sprinkled with sugar powder.

If you have an allergic reaction to eggs, cheese can be prepared without them. Use the same set of products only without eggs. You can add a mass with raisins, nuts, kuragya, candied fruits, apples or a favorite fruit. Using berries or fruits as an additive, with a blank, pay attention to the density of cottage cheese - the dry product will be filled with the necessary moisture and well will be harmonized with juicy berries and fruits.

Use only fresh cottage cheese, complete the dish with interesting additives and enjoy a useful and delicious product.

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