How to cook bishic porridge

How to cook bishic porridge

In ancient times, the bang porridge loved to prepare in Russia. Now it is sometimes negligible to this dish, and in vain. In the bunch of many fiber, vitamins and useful trace elements. If it is properly cooking - it turns out tender and nutritious porridge.

We prepare a cruster to cook bone porridge

Prepare a cereal to cooking crumbly delicious porridge:

  • burn the barley croup. After making it remains cakes and pebbles that come across the shopping packaging. All of them will remain in the finished dish. If you see that in the packaging, the cereal is clean - limit the wash;
  • rinse the cereal under water. Put the required amount in the colander and rinse under the crane. Do not rinse for a long time - remove the useful gluten and starch from the product;
  • fry a washed camp on a frying pan without oil. Constantly mix, dry and modify. You can do without roasting, if there is no time.

Cook balkus porridge - standard recipe


  • 4-5 cups of broth or ordinary water;
  • 500 g bruises;
  • number of salt at your discretion.

We bring water or broth in a saucepan before boiling. Fall asleep in a boiling liquid CROU, satisfy the taste. Fall asleep with small portions, stirring, otherwise it will stick. Screw the fire after boiling porridge and cook, do not forget about stirring. Cooking will leave from 15 to 25 minutes. Fire Turn off, cover the saucepan with a lid. Leave to stand for forty minutes, cover the saucepan with a towel. Porridge steamed and thickens. Optionally, put butter or honey.

Cook the bneeding sweet porridge on milk


  • a glass of bishnel cereals;
  • 2 glasses of milk and cold water;
  • 30 g of butter cream;
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon sugar and salt. If you want a coarse porridge - experiment with the addition of sugar.

Pour water into a pan and immediately fall asleep the croup. Stir and put on the stove. Boil until the liquid is popping. Fill into a supraged croup slightly heated milk (heating not up to boiling!), Put sugar with salt. Mix thoroughly, fasten the fire to a minimum. Tomit on the stove for fifteen minutes. Get ready to make oil. Remove from the stove, cover with a thick towel or put a saucepan with porridge to the oven for minutes for twenty minutes.

In this dish, nuclei cereals crunch on teeth at the time of use. Such a dish will help excellently clean the intestines, but for children, porridge will not fit. If you want to make a soft and gentle kish for a child - pour the cereal over the night with water and in the morning you weld.

Cook porridge bunch with meat

This diet dish will like men. You can put different spices in porridge. Take a glass of barley cereals, 400 g meat pulp, 400 ml of water, 50 g of butter and satisfy the taste.

Cooking process:

  • wellect meat in water until readiness. Cut into small pieces, do not pour broth;
  • crupe fill with meat broth, tapping after boiling for 20 minutes;
  • after decreasing in the saucepan of the amount of broth, put meat into porridge;
  • spread on the surface of the oil, cover the saucepan with a lid;
  • put for 20 minutes porridge in the oven for tomturation. Broth will make the taste of porridge meat, and the consistency will be crumbly.

Useful advice

Control the proportions of ingredients in the dish. For the crumbly gentle porridge, take the croup in proportion to water 1: 2.5. For porridge viscous take 4 glasses of water. Do not spare butter. Instead of oil can be fried the dish onions.

The most important point of preparation - porridge must reach, but not on fire. Wrap a saucepan with a ready-made warm blanket or a thick towel. Another option - put porridge in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

The bunch porridge is nutritious and useful. Be sure to include it in the diet. It's easy to cook it and it will be able to any hostess. But the abuse of this grain can cause a rapid weight gain. Drink it three times a week and be healthy!

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