How to cook porridge oatmeal

How to cook porridge oatmeal

Oatmeal is valued worldwide due to the convenience of cooking. Perfect for breakfast, beginning day, and for quick lunch breaks. The most useful Hercules porridge is flakes from the whole cereals. In its composition, it is more nutritious than oatmeal, which insist on boiling water in literally in a few minutes. Good oatmeal should have rigid flakes and sold without husk. If the garbage still comes across, in this case, you need to pour oatmeal before cooking, stir and give the husk to pop up. Then this husk should be removed by a special device - noise.

How to cook oatmeal on the water

  • Clean porridge falls asleep into water with one part of the Hercules, three parts of the water.
  • After boiling, fire is reduced, and porridge is stirred from time to time with a spoon.
  • Time to full cooking depends on the grade of oatmeal. Large and hard flakes can prepare until fifteen minutes. Medium flakes - up to ten minutes. The thinnest and fine flakes are poured boiling water and insist in hot water from three to five minutes.
  • After cooking, stir porridge with a piece of butter.
  • Instead of sugar, honey is added to the Hercules porridge instead of sugar. Excellent decorate the dish grated or chopped banana along with cinnamon.

How to cook oatmeal on meat broth

  • Oatmeal is prepared on the ready-made meat brave. Most often it can be chicken and beef broth. The meat is separated from the bones, it is finely cut and fed to oatmeal to a plate.
  • The cooking time depends on the grade of oatmeal.
  • The finished porridge is laid out on the plate, chicken, beef meat remaining from the broth is added to it. As a side dish, you can put fresh vegetables and seasoned thyme, basil. Also, oatmeal on meat broth is well suited to minced meat or just stewed meat with onions and carrots.

How to cook oatmeal on milk

  • The husk and other garbage carefully filtered before cooking.
  • Milk is poured into an aluminum pan and porridge falling asleep with one part of the porridge, three or four pieces of milk. It is impossible to use enameled dishes because of the burning of dairy products in it.
  • After boiling, the Hercules porridge on milk is brewed for 10 minutes.
  • When porridge has already become gentle and soft, the fire turns off and a piece of butter is added to the plate.
  • For a side dish, you can put a fresh seasonal raspberry, blueberries, as well as kiwi pieces.

How to cook oatmeal in a pressure cooker

Preparation of oatmeal in the pressure cooker is a very convenient way. Pakish is very tasty, but requires constant presence during cooking. When boiling, it can run out of the pan and burn. For this porridge you need a supervision, stirring with a spoon. The preparation of the Hercules Porridge in the pressure cooker eliminates the nuisance of the burning and retains the maximum of useful components.

  • The grains that will be used to prepare porridge should be filtered on the inedible garbage, the husk.
  • For a better result, you need to soak oatmeal at night or at least for several hours. Then the porridge will be poisoned by water, will swell and turn out to be more tend to taste.
  • Further, the water in which the porridge was, you need to merge, it is convenient to use colander.
  • Hercules porridge usually increases in the amount of fluid in which it is prepared. Now the recipe is used, for example, not three cups of water, but only one. Porridge at night absorbed enough water and will not be able to pick up an additional volume.
  • Fill in porridge pressure coaster, put on high pressure mode. Cooking time is about 10 minutes.

Oatmeal is a dish in which you can safely add dried fruits, berries, fresh fruits, walnuts, meat, sub-products, cottage cheese. Also oatmeal (not only fast food flakes) are used with fruit yogurt as fast breakfast. This mixture insists a whole night in a jar in the refrigerator, and a nutritious breakfast without additional processing is ready for use! Oatmeal is useful for better metabolism, well suited for digestion during diseases.

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