How to cook a Hercules porridge on milk

How to cook a Hercules porridge on milk

Hercules porridge on milk - excellent food for everyday breakfast, because it is preparing quickly and combined with many fillers: berries, fruits, nuts, raisins, spices. Oatmeal can be cooked on water, milk or mixing fluids in any proportion, but a gentle whole is a dish on whole milk with sugar and creamy oil.

How to cook fast Hercules porridge on milk

The traditional recipe for oatmeal on milk from coarse grinding flakes is pretty simple - the proportions of milk and cereals should be 3: 1. Ingredients: 3 tbsp. Milk, 1 tbsp. Flakes, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, slightly salt, 30 gr. Butter.

  • Warm milk with sugar and salt, when the liquid boils, pour the Hercules and prepare a quarter of an hour, stirring.

Important: Small flakes are prepared twice as fast - from 3 to 7 minutes.

  • Disconnect the gas and serve the table - cut the bread, make tea, put butter, jam, berries (let each add to the oatmeal, what do you like) and collect household breakfast.

How to cook Hercules porridge on milk with apples

This is an interesting and delicious version of the dish, because in the cooking process, porridge is impregnated with fruit aroma and acquires unobtrusive acid. Need: 200 gr. Hercules, 1.5 tbsp. Waters, 150 ml of milk, one apple, 60 gr. Sugar, cinnamon, cardamom, salt - on the tip of the knife.

Water with salt boil, pour oatmeal, arrive fire, boil three minutes, stirring, to avoid bunches. After the time expires, put pieces of apple and beat porridge 12 minutes. Then pour milk with spices, warm the mixture of 2 minutes and - oatmeal is ready. It will be perfectly combined with crushed pistachios and honey.

How to cook chocolate Hercules porridge on milk

Such a dish, taste reminiscent of chocolate dessert, will enjoy all lovers of sweet, both children and adults.

Bring to a boil 200 ml of milk, put 5 tbsp. l. Hercules, boil until soft. Then add 2 tbsp. l. Cocoa and mix before dissolving the powder. When porridge becomes brown, enter 50 gr. Vanilla sugar, chopped banana and pear. Step into a couple of minutes, remove the saucepan from the fire and spread the displacement of the dessert plates, sprinkling the top of the chocolate slices.

How to cook Hercules porridge on milk with cheese

In half the milk milk, 3/4 glasses of Hercules. Save the mass, enter 100 gr. grated cheese and 2 tbsp. l. Fed oil. All mix, sprinkle with nuts and dried fruits, serve hot with bagels or biscuits.

How to cook Hercules porridge on milk in a slow cooker

Lubricate the bowl of the Multivarka bowl, pour 200 gr. Flakes, fill their three glasses of milk. Set the Milk Porridge mode and - in your 25 minutes in your reserve to lead yourself in order. Put ready porridge in a bowl, add sugar, butter, steaming raisins.

How to cook the Hercules porridge on milk - we realize the remnants

Preparing Hercules, did you calculate the number of cereals, and many porridge remained unselected? Do not throw away the remnants, it turns out an excellent casserole. On two glasses of oatmeal - 200 gr. Cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. l. Sugar and flour. Berries, what is - 200 gr.

Mix all components except berries. Wipe the oil and lay out half the cooked mixture, to put berries on top - strawberries, raspberry or black currant and close the filling of the second half of the dough. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 210º. Slightly cooled pie, cut out the shape, sprinkle with cinnamon and put on the table next to the thick sour cream and condensed milk.

Now you know all the subtleties of the preparation of Hercules on milk - it's time to try out our recipes to diversify family breakfasts and make them original and helpful.

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