How to cook pea porridge

How to cook pea porridge

Probably, rarely who prepares often at home by pea porridge. And in vain. This is not only a great side dish for meat dishes, but also a very useful product.

The origins of the preparation of peas are still in ancient times. Initially, a malicious peas was subject to preparation. It was cooked until a kind of puree was obtained. A well-fried bow was added to this dish. All the remnants that remained after lunch were never thrown away. Such a puree can well come in handy as a filling for a variety of pies and pies.

Pros and cons of pea porridge

Peas has a very high nutritional value, which is why it is so popular. Pea mashed potatoes even as an independent dish very tasty and calorie. Consequently, they can quickly improve. This dish is probably the richest protein. Such a dish can quickly restore the forces (especially well after a large physical activity), replace the animal protein (this is relevant for vegetarians, as well as for ordinary people during compliance with the post). Pea mashed potatoes must be included in the menu of athletes. Even those who follow their figure you need to use peas. Despite the large caloric content of this product, it is capable of blocking the feeling of hunger.

Positive sides of the pea puree:

  • This is a full-fledged independent dish. You can always cook it on the second, while it is good to fill with a loose onion or simply vegetable oil.
  • Pretty good garnish. We can serve various meat dishes (cutlets, roast) or seafood (baked fish).

Also do not forget about it not very good features. With caution, you need to eat pea mashed potatoes to those people who have disorders from the gastrointestinal tract. This is justified by the fact that at an ordinary person, when using such a puree, a natural purification of the intestines can be observed, and people with the above-mentioned disease may occur with meteorism or bloating.

Secrets of cooking pea porridge

When cooking pea mashed potatoes, it is necessary to pay attention to the right choice of the product, and on the dishes in which it will be prepared, and the stages of preparation for the preparation of this dish.

  • Green polka dots will prepare faster. It will be enough for its preparation and 20 minutes. The only nuance is the color of the finished puree. From ordinary pea, yellow puree is obtained, and it leaves green from the green, respectively.
  • Pre-soaking. Thanks to this procedure, you can solve 2 major pea preparation problems. First, it is the duration of cooking. It will decline significantly, due to the fact that the peas will swell. And, secondly, you can get rid of an unpleasant smell that most people do not like and that is why they refuse to prepare.
  • Be sure to change water. Water in which the peas must be changed to a new one. And only then bother.
  • Soda, like an assistant in the speed of making puree. If you still do not have time to soak and do not have time to cook it for a long time, then soda will come to the rescue. For three liters of water you will need half a teaspoon of soda.
  • The cooking time depends on the duration of its soaking and, of course, from the quality of the chosen pea. If you soak peas at night, then the time of its preparation will be reduced to 1.5 hours.
  • For the cooking of pea is better to use the dishes, in which the thick walls. So you will prevent its burning. The thinner your dishes are, the more often the peas are mixed.
  • Cooking must be required on slow fire. Otherwise, peas will become solid and will not weld enough. This is explained by the fact that the protein from which the peas is simply will simply come.
  • Solish peas stands at the very end, otherwise the time of its preparation can increase.

Most popular pea porridge recipes

Now consider the most popular pea puree recipes.

Normal classic pea mashed potatoes

The usual pea puree is prepared on the water. It is sufficient satisfying and tasty dish.

  • For its preparation, we will need 1 cup of pea, pinch of salt and a piece of butter. It is best to soak peas at night and in the morning to merge water from it.
  • Then poured with a new water and put on the stove.
  • I bring to a boil and remove the foam.
  • We make light plates minimal and cook before the entire liquid is popping.
  • We determine the preparedness of pea to taste, salt and add a piece of oil. Even if after the time of cooking time, some peas did not boil, just mix everything with a puree, and it will become homogeneous.

Pea porridge with stew

Such a dish is very suitable for dinner or a second dish for lunch. In order to prepare this dish, you need to take the jar of stew, 2 glasses of peas, one bulb, one carrot, a piece of butter, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, water, salt and pepper.

Boil the peas at first. Separately in the pan, fry onions, carrots, then add stew and sweat a little. After getting peas, mix all the ingredients, and you can serve a dish to the table.

Pea porridge with meat

This recipe is practically no different from the previous one. It is also necessary to peel into the pea mashed potatoes separately, as well as separately fry the meat in a frying pan according to your favorite recipe. Serve this dish is in this form: First, they lay the pea mashed potature on the plate, and the meat should be put on top in the middle. Such a dish is very tasty. It is suitable for both daily applications and special cases.

Pea mashed potatoes are a very tasty dish. It can be served in various variations. Therefore, be sure to prepare all the recipes alternately and select your favorite. You must expand your diet to pea mashed potatoes, as it is a very useful product.

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