How to cook fast peas

How to cook fast peas

Pea soup and porridge are traditional Russian dishes. In addition to useful properties, these dishes differ high calorie. But the hostess do not like to cook these dishes much, because they take a lot of time.
Next, we list the secrets of fast preparation of legume culture.

How to cook fast peas - soaking in water

There are cases when you need to quickly cook the dish, and peas slow down the whole thing, because the cooking process takes a lot of time. There is a way out - it is soaking in water at least six hours. If the peas will lie very long in the water, he can start to wander. And even if the appearance of the vegetable is not swollen enough, then it is necessary to replace the old water to fresh. Before soaking, the peas need to go through well, as well as rinse under the jet of water. For soaking, it will suit both cold and hot water. During the night, even the rigorous sorts of cereals swell perfectly. There are situations where the dish needs to be prepared, then you can soak it for several hours.
Remember! To obtain a straded pea, you can not add a lot of salt to water.

How to cook fast peas - adding water during boiling

What to do if the dish needs to be prepared urgently, and there is no time for it either the hostess forgot to dunk the product for the night. Experienced hostesses know how to cook peas faster. So, it is necessary to clean the peas well, put it in the container, pour cold water and start cooking. After boiling water, you need to wait ten minutes. Then finish the waterproof water capacity. Then everything should boil the second time, wait a few minutes, and the peas will be welded. If you need a stranded peas completely, you can repeat the procedure with the addition of water, just take the water a little more.

How to cook fast peas - add cream oil

Make the cooking process is faster and as follows. To do this, add a piece of butter in boiling water. Thanks to the fat, the speed of cooking pea increases, but it will not affect the fragrance. Oil can be replaced smalts. This method is ideal for porridge, because it will come out much more tastier and referring.

How to cook fast peas - soda

With the help of soda, you can quickly weld the cereal. Adding this component must be carried out during cooking. To do this, you will need some soda, otherwise you can spoil the taste of dishes. Such a method will allow cooking peas for twenty minutes. 20 minutes after boiling, it is necessary to add soda: two liters of the liquid will need a floor of a teaspoon. Next, milk pea for another five minutes.

How to cook fast peas with a multicooker

Modern life involves the emergence of new household appliances. Of course, multivarka Not so new, because it is in any kitchen. But despite this, not every cook knows that it is suitable for fast pea. Before proceeding with the procedure, the peas need to go through, soak and rinse. In the device select "quenching" mode and press start. If you want to get puree from peas, you will need one and a half hours, and for pea soup with smoked, hour.

How to cook fast peas with a pressure cooker

The process of cooking pea is quite complicated, because it often burns, remains tough or risks. But you can get rid of thermophicks with a pressure cooker. So, first you need to dug peas for several hours, after passing it. Well washed peas put in a pressure cooker, close the lid and put on fire. After a quarter of an hour after boiling, the pressure cooker needs to be removed from the fire and present it for 10 minutes.

On this, all the secrets of fast cooking are finished. Now you know how to speed up the process. At the same time, remember that half-cooked peas faster. Also, only a pea varieties you choose depends on the preparation of the results. There are those that do not boil soft at all, no matter what method you choose, and how much whatever you want to boil.

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