How to cook pea soup

How to cook pea soup

Pea soup is a sufficiently nutritious and fragrant soup, different from all other soups in a kind of taste and puree consistency.

Ingredients will be required:

• 200-300 g of pork ribs;
• 100-200 g of the purchase of bacon;
• Glass of pea;
• one carrobine;
• 3 potatoes;
• one bulb;
• laurel;
• bunch of greenery national team;
• crackers (store or homemade);
• one tablespoon salt;
• Pepper ground black and pepper fragrant (to taste).

Rolling chopped peas Soak for a few hours in a cold water, and one-piece - for a day. The packed crushed or brushed peas does not require preliminary water procedures.

Swim strong broth on chopped pork ribs with the addition of salt, laurel leaves and several peas of fragrant perfume. Meat caught a noise, separating from the dice and cut into pieces. If you like boiled pork to eat straight from the ribs, do not separate from the bones.

Peas boil in salted water almost until readiness. Drain the pea liquid from the pan, pour pork broth and put on fire.

Add to soup sliced \u200b\u200bin large cubes potatoes and bring it until readiness.

Bacon to nourish into small pieces of arbitrary shape and slightly fry without adding fat.

Make a moon-carrot roaster on vegetable oil.

Grind a large bunch of greenery.

Boiled pork, passable ingredients and greens determine in a saucepan with a pea soup. Quickly bring to a boil and remove from the fire.

The soup pour into deep piles, sprinkle with crackers and a hammer pepper (for adults).

The first dish turned to glory! It is not ashamed and take guests for lunch, and especially the children who love soup with peas and crackers without exception.

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