How to quickly cook beets in a saucepan

How to quickly cook beets in a saucepan

Is it a lot of time for cooking beets to readiness? This is mostly conceived by young mistresses. The answer to this question gives experienced hostesses and suggest how to speed up the cooking process.

How many boiled pots in a saucepan

Beets, assembled in the fall, cooked from 2 to 3 hours - it all depends on the variety and size of the root. If it is too much for you, then read the tips on reducing cooking time. The young beet, pulled out of the earth at the beginning of the summer, is welded in a saucepan of 30-40 minutes - it is so pretty fast.

How to quickly cook beets in a saucepan - small tricks

  • Much quickly welded beets of small size, so choose the smallest root roots. Little beetners boil two times faster than big.
  • When buying beets in the store or on the market, look for such that has a slightly declared shape. A small thickness of the root of root will also reduce the time of its cooking by 50%.
  • If you bought the beets round or big, it is possible to quickly cook it in this way. Fill the beets with cold water and bring it to a boil. Boil beets on slow fire Exactly 1 hour. Then quickly drain hot water and pour beets with ice water - you can even add ice from the freezer. An hour later, drain cold water.
  • If you have a pressure cooker in your house, then cook the beets in it - you will have only 30 minutes to cook.

And another useful advice that is not related to the beet cooking time. Quite often, after the rootpode for the vigor is already welded and cleaned, it turns out to be completely disadvantaged. To avoid this, with any method of cooking and for any variety of beets, put in water a pair of cutlery of sugar (per liter of fluid). Sugar will reveal the taste of beets, and if it is originally not sweet, it will help her to become like that.

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