How to cook beer at home

How to cook beer at home

Beer is one of the most ancient drinks, famous for mankind from the era of Neolith, along with honey, kvass and wine. Some scientists even believe that grain crops began to grow not for the sake of bread, but for the preparation of beer. This article discusses the method of its preparation at home, without having specialized equipment.

How to cook beer at home - what will be needed

  • Two pans with a volume of 5-6 liters.
  • Aluminum colander, piece of gauze, 5-6 liter bottle of bottled water. And a thermometer for water up to 100 Celsius.

How to cook beer at home - ingredients

The barley malt "Pilsen" is approximately 1.5 kg, plus-minus depending on which pots you can find.
6 gr. Hop for bitterness and 6 gr. Hop for fragrance. Well, of course, yeast and water.

Cooking beer at home

  • The first thing we need to do is take a saucepan, pour 3 liters of water into it and heat to a temperature of 66-67 degrees. After that, the heating should be turned off. Next, slowly fall asleep malt and simultaneously mix it. When the malt is added, the water temperature should fall to about 62-63 degrees. Now we close the lid and wrap for 40 minutes.
  • After 40 minutes. To our drain you need to add some boiling water, thereby lift the temperature to 72-73 degrees. If it is not possible to raise the temperature of boiling water, you can turn on the gas or stove for a while, the plug in this time you need to constantly stir and control the temperature.
  • After raised the temperature, the stamp again need to wrap at about half an hour.
  • Half an hour was passed and now we need to put our foundation for the beer again and heat up to 78 degrees and re-pack for five minutes, it is necessary to stop the processes.
  • At this time, we pour 3 liters of water into the kettle and heated to a temperature of 78 degrees. In the future, it will be needed to wash the womb.
  • Five minutes passed, now we need to pour our stroke through a colander in the second cooked pan, and the rest of the crusher shed slowly with water and combine with our main wort.

  • Waslo we merged and shed, now the main pan stand on the fire and bring to a boil. After about 20 minutes to the wort, add hops for bitterness, and another another 50 minutes add hops for fragrance and cook another 10 minutes.
  • All the blood cooks took 80 minutes and now we need to cool our wort in the sink to 50 degrees Celsius.

  • We transfix the wort into a bottle through a funnel, pre-put it in her gauze.

  • We put a bottle under cold water and cool its contents up to 20-28 degrees. You can simply wait for cooling in a natural way. We get out of the sink our fermentation container, check the temperature and if it is as we need, we take a bottle, saturated with air in order for the added further yeast to be woken up.
  • After adding yeast, we insert the hydraulic reservoir to exit the gas to the bottle cover, you can use the rubber glove and remove the wander of days by 10.

Ten days passed, and we hope that you have enough patience, and you did not drink beer before. It remains to pour it into a suitable container and can go to the neighbors.

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