How to make whiskey at home

How to make whiskey at home

Preparation of whiskey differs in many respects from the brewing process. The only thing - you need to push it into oak bars 6 months to get a decent flavor. Classic whiskey soaked in oak barrels, but because they are very few people there, and get them quite difficult, using oak wood.

How to make whiskey at home - that is necessary

  • Barley malt - 8 kg.
  • Water - 32 liters.
  • Yeast - 300 g or 50 g of pressed dry.
  • Pan for boiling wort.
  • Thermometer.
  • Alcoholmeters.
  • Long wooden spoon or metal.
  • Capacity for draining the wort.
  • Water seal.
  • Colander or strainer with a large cell.
  • A distillation apparatus (-brewed).
  • Glass containers.
  • Oak bar (tree age 50 years).

Malt whiskey is prepared from one kind of grains, but may also be used a mixture of several in the same proportion, but in the amount of the same number as one in the malt. You can add more 1-2 type. Basis - is barley malt.

How to make whiskey at home - the process

  • After germination and drying the malt is crushed to a coarse or can be purchased ready-made. No need to be cleaned. That's all the pieces of the grain husk and starch - the most important thing. To do this, it and is crushed.

  • The pan is filled with water and put on a gas or electric oven and brought to a temperature of 70 degrees. The main thing - to use filtered water or spring, but in any case not boiled or just from the tap. From this directly depends on the quality of starting material.

  • Gradually malt is poured. It should stir constantly to avoid lumps formed.

  • After planting the malt, the water will cool, so you need to bring the temperature to 65 degrees and maintain it 90 minutes under the closed lid, stirring every 10 minutes. The preparedness of the process can be understood by the state of the wort, it will be lighter on the surface, and the porridge drops onto the bottom. The main thing is the stable temperature (+ \\ - 2 degrees) otherwise the process of precipitation will stop and resume it will not work.

  • Remove the saucepan from the stove and quickly cool in the bathroom to a temperature of 25 degrees. Otherwise, the wort can skit. Or use the cooler from the copper tube.

  • Pour the wort into the fermentation container, falling asleep already activated tremors.

  • Mixing, leave in a dark place for 3-15 days at a temperature of 20-25 degrees and install the hydraulic. Stirring braga is needed once a day. The fermentation speed will depend on the quality of water and the quality of yeast. Willingness can be determined after the hydraulication will stop producing gases for a couple of days, and the taste will become bitter.

  • Pouring a braga into a distillation cube, simultaneously filtering with a colander or a large sieves. Otherwise, unattended malt can burn during distillation.

  • Stripping to the fortress in a stream of 38 degrees, not divided into fractions (head, body, tail.) It turns out a 40 degree barley moonshine. Maybe less, depending on the content of starch in the malt. Having determined the amount of pure alcohol, dilute with water up to 20 percent and overtakes again.

  • The first 12 percent of the output to merge separately. This part is called "head" and contains hazardous substances. Conducting constant measurements when the fortress will decrease to 45 degrees, stop collecting. This part is called "body". Everything else "tails". As a result, approximately 3-4 liters of the finished product will be released.

  • Oak bar is divided into strips of 5 mm wide, and the height depends on the glass container into which the finished product will be broken.

  • Wood pour boiling water for 10 minutes. And merge the infusion after time. Immediately pour cold for 30 minutes and then dry.

  • Immerse strips in the glass container of 10 pieces and pour the finished product. Tightly clog the covers and leave to appease from 6 to 12 months at will. The longer the whiskey will be incanded, the better.

The recipes of cooking whiskey quite a lot and each is good in its own way. Observing all the rules and regimes, namely the temperature, water quality, the quality of the obtained alcohol and a long exposure with oak bars, it turns out a delicious and fragrant whiskey. And with the experience and finding your nuances, and maybe new recipes, every time it will get better and better.

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