How to make cider

How to make cider

Cider is a light apple wine that may well replace champagne on a festive table. The drink is very pleasant to taste, in the measure of the sily and completely does not harm health. If you have a cottage plot with several apple trees, do not be lazy and prepare homemade cider.

How to choose apples for cider

Any juicy apples of sour-sweet taste are suitable for homemade wine. The taste of cider depends on the quality of the apples. Keep in mind that the fruits should be well matured, but not standing. Ideal for the manufacture of wine such varieties: Styr, Melba, Antonovka, Foxville, Amber Altai. If you do not have such varieties, take any other autumn maturation, i.e. Those that lay for winter storage. Wine will be more fragrant if you mix several varieties.

How to prepare apples for cider

Torn from the tree apples beat and remove the fallen and damaged diseases. Put apples in a dark place for 3-5 days - they will reach full condition. After that, every apple look at the subject of dirty spots. If they are on the fruits, then wash the apples with a dry soft cloth. Wash water fruits are not recommended not to flush yeast fungi from their surface. It is these fungi and are responsible for the future fermentation of wine. Also remove all the tails in the apples.

How to prepare cider tank

The best cider to do in large glass bottles. The perfect option is 5 liter. Before laying apple raw materials in them, hide the cans with boiling water.

Also prepare the medical gauze or old H / b sheets - they will be useful to you to slaughter the cans. You still need rubber medical gloves or special covers with hydraulic. Such covers are sold on any market or in business stores.

How to do cider

After all the preparatory procedures begin to make wine:

  • Weigh apples. For every kilogram of fruits prepare 150 g of sugar.
  • Apples cut on the quarters - do not remove the peel and seeds. Frequetaries twist on the meat grinder.
  • Mix apple mass with sugar.
  • Spread prepared raw materials by banks, filling them on 3/3. Twisted and mixed with sugar apples are not very tight, i.e. not too printed them.
  • Filled banks tie the gauze or x / b to the cloth and put in a warm place (23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees) for 4-5 days. Each day, remove the gauze with cans and mix the apple mass with a large wooden spoon. Stirring activates fermentation and the so-called wort is formed in banks.
  • At the end of the 4th or 5th day, when a lot of foam is formed at the top of the apple mass, strain apple juice. Use for this colander installed above the large pan and shown three layers of gauze.
  • Banks where apple mass wandered, jump over boiling water again. Fill the tank by 3/4 by the resulting wort and install the hydraulic and the riser gloves.
  • Take banks with juice in a dark warm place for further fermentation. The fermentation time depends on the variety of apples and ambient temperatures - it can continue from 45 to 70 days. Wine will be almost ready when fermentation ceases in it, i.e. From above in banks, a transparent amber liquid is formed without foam, and a muddy precipitate will be collected from below.
  • With the help of a tube, drain the light fragrant liquid into the clean capacity, and then burst the cider on the bottle. Bottles Fill up to the top, and then tightly cover them with traffic jams.
  • Transfer bottles with a dark cool place (10-12 degrees) and leave them alone for 2-3 months. During this time, the Cider completely matures and pulls away with taste and aroma.

Apple Cider is recommended to use cold and do not store an open bottle. With prolonged exposure of wine with oxygen, it can be repeated and turned into vinegar.

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