How to make birch kvass at home

How to make birch kvass at home

If you have collected a lot of birch juice in early spring, you can cook birch kvass from it. This is the best option to preserve a delicious drink, since the beneficial properties of birch juice in fermentation are not lost, in contrast, if we rinsed juice into banks with adding preservatives.

To birch kvass get tasty, you need to know some secrets:

  • For the preparation of birch kvass, only fresh, recently assembled birch juice is suitable.
  • Finished kvass can not be stored in plastic bottles, glass bottles are suitable for this purpose.
  • Kvass for fermentation must be put in glass or enameled dishes.
  • Cooked kvass can be stored in a cold place for up to 4 months.

Birch kvass with raisins

It will take:

  • 10 l of fresh birch juice;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • 50 pieces of isymin.


  • We mix in the enameled dishes with a lot of juice, sugar and washed raisins, stir, so far sugar is dissolved.
  • Then cover the vessel with a clean cloth, put in a warm place (about 22 ° C) for 3 days.
  • During this time, the drink will move, once again fix it, spill on bottles, and stored in a cold place for up to 4 months.

Birch kvass with orange and yeast

Such a drink with an orange aroma lot like children.

It will take:

  • 10 g yeast.
  • 250 g of sugar;
  • for several twigs of mint and melissa;
  • chopping of raisins;
  • 1 orange;
  • 2.5 l birch juice;


  • In the 3rd l can mix the lesioned birch juice, sugar, lighted with a small amount of sugar yeast, orange slices.
  • Let us go over for 2 days, and then flicker again, spread the kvass in the bottle, adding several raisins to each one, and put in the refrigerator.
  • After 1 day, Kvass is ready, you can try.

Birch kvass with honey

Such kvass helps well with a cold, as it has antibacterial properties.

For kvass, you will need:

  • 10 l birch juice;
  • 3 lemon;
  • 50 g of fresh yeast;
  • 30-40 g of honey;
  • handful of raisins.


  • Mix in large dishes. Refine birch juice, juice from lemons, fermented yeast, liquid honey and raisins.
  • Mix well well, let's wander 3-4 days, and pour into glass bottles, store in the refrigerator.

Birch kvass with Borodino bread and coffee grains

It will take:

  • 2.5 l birch juice;
  • 2-3 pieces of a stale borodine bread;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • handful of raisin;
  • handful of coffee beam.


  • In 3 l BANK Mix the lessed birch juice, dried in the oven black bread, roasted on a dry frying pan. Coffee grains, sugar, washed raisins.
  • On the bank we wear a rubber glove, piercing it with a needle, and put in a warm place.
  • After 2-3 days, the glove inflates - it means fermentation.
  • When the glove stops filled with air, the kvass is filtering, pour into the bottles, put in a cold place.
  • Kvass should still be broken for 3 days in a cold place, and you can drink it.

Birch kvass with dried fruits

It will take:

  • 5 l birch juice;
  • 1 kg of dried fruits;
  • 300 g of raisin.


  • Raisins and dried fruits are rinsed, dried, pour in the enameled dishes of birch juice, put in a warm place for 3-4 days.
  • Several times a day, the contents of the pan stirring.
  • When kvass takes over, flicker it and spread it into the bottles, put in a cold place, and you can drink.

Birch kvass with barley

Such kvass to taste has a very large similarity with her usual yeast kvass.

For kvass, you will need:

  • 3 l birch juice;
  • 1 cup barley.


  • Fresh birch juice is polished and leave in a cool place for 1-2 days.
  • Crude barley rinse and fry on a dry pan until golden color - if you want a gentle and soft taste, and to dark color, so that it tastes with mustard.
  • I fall asleep barley in the 3-liter jar to birch juice and put it for 3-4 days in a warm place.
  • Then the kvass is filtering, pour into the bottles and stored in a cold place.

So, birch kvass is a very useful and delicious drink in the summer heat.

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