For the manufacture of cherry wine it is best to take the cherry of the usual, non-hybrid variety. Overrexious and beaten berries damaged by pests and the disease is better not to use, as this may affect the final taste of the product. Therefore, before starting cooking, you need to carefully sort out the cherry. Three kilograms of cherries will need half a kilogram of sugar.
First you need to sort out the cherry and remove the bones from it. There are some recipes that allow the use of bone berries, but it should be borne in mind that an almond flavor will be present in the wine.
Next, shift the cherry in the container (pan or bucket) and template. Then pour water so that it completely covers the berries, add half a kilogram of sugar and leave for a day. You can cover the gauze container to avoid insects.
After the course of the day, the cherry should be carefully squeezed through the gauze, the cake will no longer need it, it can be thrown out. The resulting juice will be the basis for wine, adding another half a kilogram of sugar, thoroughly stirring, rearranged into a dark and warm place to begin the fermentation process. It is necessary to wear a medical glove on the container, pre-punctured it with a needle.
About a week add 250 grams of sugar. To do this, cast a small amount of liquid into another container, put sugar into it and mix thoroughly until complete dissolution. After that, pour back to the rest of the blame. After 5-6 days, repeat the procedure.
Depending on the temperature, the fermentation process can continue from 20 days to two months. The finished wine can be determined by the following features: the liquid became lighter, the glove was blown away, and the sediment appeared on the day. Depending on the taste after cooking, you can add sugar or alcohol. With alcohol, wine becomes tougher taste, but is stored longer.
After cooking, pour into the tank and can be used immediately. Store wine better in a dark cool place.