How to open wine without a corkscrew

How to open wine without a corkscrew

Sometimes, in the midst of the holiday, it is found that there is no wine, but as an evil corkscrew. What to do in such a situation - to roll the celebration or try somehow still open a bottle? We will give you some tips, how to cope with a similar problem. To remove the plug, no special skills are needed, and the items that will help you are in every home and can even be in your pocket. Read carefully and select the way you enjoy the most.

Take the bottle of wine and wrap it with a bottom with a towel. Then, holding her horizontally, tapping slightly along the wall. Do not knock a lot so that the bottle does not break down, and watch the plug when it comes out half - stop and remove it with your fingers. If you are in nature or at hand there is no towel, then remove the shoes in its bottle with wine inside and in the same way. After a couple of minutes, the plug will pop up.

Inspect the bottle if the neck does not fry down, then the cork can be poured inside. If it is narrowed, then do not even try, it will stuck tightly. You can push with any strong item, if only he entered the neck. It can be a pencil, pen, screwdriver, you can tightly twist the paper and push the plug. Poking, be careful and watch the wine does not spill on clothes.

In the absence of a corkscrew, you can use a knife with a narrow blade or scissors. Blades of scissors or knives stick carefully the plug and begin to rotate there, here, slightly pulling over. The bottle will open off without any difficulty.

If you have a pliers at hand, you can remove the plug with a screw or screws. Pliers tighten the screw to the cork center, leaving from above near a centimeter. Then take the tool the screw of the screw and pull while holding the bottle with the other hand. This is a pretty convenient way, but not always the pliers and the screws are at hand.

Almost the same as the screw, you can take a plug with small nails and hammer. The hammer, however, anyone is not suitable, but only the one on which there is a nail-holder. Nails must be scored hardly into the plug at different angles, leaving on top of five millimeters. Then put on the nails of the nails and pull, the plug drops away without difficulty.

You can split the tube with a strong and thin rope. A sharp object, needle or screwdriver, you need to make a hole in a traffic jam and push the rope with the rope tied at the end of the node. Then pull over the rope - and the bottle will open. This method of refining is quite inconvenient and is suitable, most likely, to cover the bottle on a dispute.

A little exotic way of scolding - with the help of heating the neck of the bottle. You can heat the neck with a gas stove, on a fire or several lighters. When the neck will warm enough enough, the plug itself will pop up from the bottle.

Thus, the methods of opening a bottle of wine without a corkscrew abound. Choosing you!

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