How to open coconut

How to open coconut

Coconut - tasty, fragrant, unusual tropical fruit. At times it seems that it is completely unavailable. The problem in the peel is a rounded fire, split which is very difficult. In fact, it is enough to have several auxiliary tools and know a pair of non-hard techniques so that the process of opening coconut has passed easily.

Start with the preparation of tools and material. For comfortable work, we will need: a hammer, a nail, a glass and a coconut itself. Having collected everything on the list, proceed to inspection of the fetus. From one side, three eyes are placed - specific stains. Two of them are closed tightly, the third is less durable.

Put a nail to a less durable eye and knock the hammer. The partition can easily succumb to. Scrolling several times a nail in the hole, carefully remove it. Install coconut on a glass down hole. While coconut water (it is water, not juice) will flow, prepare a hammer with a narrow end.
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After removing the aromatic water, take the coconut in the hand of the eyes up. Divide it visually on three levels. Under the top third mentally, imagine a circular rim and climb it with a narrow end of the hammer.

After 5-10 minutes of circular tapping, a small crack is formed. Continue the process until it becomes solid. Next, it is possible to divide the fetus into two halves at the split place.

Now you will not prevent anything to enjoy juicy flesh, cook extraordinary desserts or get coconut milk. It will continue about him in the following councils.

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