How to save bananas

How to save bananas

Bananas are not only delicious, but also extremely useful fruits. They have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, help to fight depression and hangover, protect against kidney cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis. What do you need to do to keep this fragrant fruit fresh longer?

Ripe fruits of banana have a smooth yellow color without green fibers and dark spots. The optimal temperature for storing bananas is 12-14 ° C. You can not put ripe bananas in the refrigerator, they will quickly turn around there.

The fruits that you plan to eat in the near future is better to keep on a plate at room temperature and high humidity. If your family is large fruit lovers, it will be advisable to purchase a beautiful and practical fruit vase with a special crochet for bananas. So they will be stored in a suspended state, which helps to maintain the freshness and beautiful appearance of these fruits.

If all the conditions are observed, the bananas will not deteriorate within 3-4 days.

You can extend the shelf life of ripe fruit for a couple of days. For this, all bananas separating from the bundle and the leg of each fetus is wrapped with a polyethylene film.

If you put some unripe fruit next to ripe bananas, the bananas will sing slowly, and the green fruit is faster.

So that the green bananas are most quickly ripe, keep them better in the room at 20 ° C and high humidity. But at the same time avoid direct sunlight on the bundle.

Bananas should not store in a polyethylene package, so fruits will be spoiled before full ripening. It is best to keep them in a brown paper package. And if we put a ripe apple or a pear there, then the bananas will soon.

When brown spots appear on the banana peel - the fruit begins to overper. The more stains, the sooner the banana will deteriorate completely. To delay the peel we apply a radical way: put them in the refrigerator. Fruit peel will darken, but inside they will remain solid and the taste will not change. So we can save bananas for another 2-3 days.

Purified bananas We save in the container, pre-cut them with circles. In order not to the pulp, splashing it with lemon juice or vinegar. The container can be placed in the refrigerator.

Bananas can even freeze. For this, they first clean them from the peel, cut into several parts and fold into the package for freezing or in a plastic container. Now send them to the freezer, where they can be stored for several months. After defrosting, fruits will turn into porridge, so they are best used to prepare cocktails and stuffing for baking.

If you know a few little tricks, you will always please yourself and our households with fresh and healthy fruits.

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