How to choose a melon

How to choose a melon

Choose fragrant, juicy and honey taste taste is a little art. But there are many tricks of the proper purchase of melons. They help to make a good choice and fully enjoy this divine fruit. About the same distinguishing features are ripe melon and will be discussed.

How to choose a melon - tips

The taste of melons originally affects its varietal features. But important are the conditions of cultivation, the introduction of nitrate impurities and the method of transporting these fruits.

Buying a melon, you need to take into account such nuances:

  • The fragrance is a dina ripeness indicator. If he is gentle, sweet, with notes of pineapple or pear - everything is in order. But herbal smell or complete lack of aroma is a sign of immaturity.
  • Sound when tapping - if with a shock is heard deaf, monotonous sound - the fruit has already slept. If there is a ringing tapping - the melon is immature.
  • The density of the peel - in the center of the melon must be elastic to the touch, and near the tail, on the contrary, soft and militant when pressing. Also in ripe melon can easily scratch the top layer of the peel.
  • The "tail" of the fetus - in ripe melon it is dry and easily removed, and it has a green and fresh. It is also worth checking the condition of the opposite side of the melon - "Nose". If, when pressed, the finger fails inside - the fruit fell hopelessly, if it is too solid - the melon is still green.
  • Mesh on the peel - it should be dry with a straw tint. If the pattern is green - the fruit is better to postpone. The intensity and density of residents do not affect the taste.

How to choose a melon - what should alert?

  • Melon is better to buy only in the market or in the store. If the fruits traded on the street near the roads, there is a high probability that they are dangerous to health. The fact is that melons quickly absorb exhaust gases and other contaminants from the external environment.
  • In the implementation, according to GOST, do not flow melons with damaged by peel, dents or signs of posting. Even a small scratch serves as an entrance for all sorts of bacteria: from mold fungi to the intestinal stick. For the same reason, you should not buy cut instances.
  • When contacting with the skin, there should be no oily traces on the fingers. Excess shine and a bold ball on a melon indicate the processing of fetus waxes for long-term preservation.
  • Melon should not be dirty or very wet. This disrupts the normal gas exchange of the fetus with the external environment and can cause an unpleasant watery taste at the pulp.
  • The first seasonal harvest of melons is usually strongly processed by fertilizers. The presence of nitrates, urea and other chemicals indicates a variety of residences in the pulp, hollow seeds and a weakly exposed melon fragrance.
  • Black minor specks on the peel speak of the defeat of the fetus by anthrakaz, while if there are dents on the melon, then toxins have already begun to be produced into the pulp. There are no such melons.

If you will pay attention to such simple details when buying a melon, you will definitely buy the most delicious and fragrant fruit.

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