Watermelon jam

Watermelon jam

Watermelon jam is not only yummy, but also the opportunity to remember summer days. Cooking is simple and without special tricks. Let's look at a few recipes of an unusual jam.

When you eat a fresh watermelon, then the peel is sent to the garbage bucket. Now leave such a valuable product. The first recipe will be the following: watermelon Jam. For cooking you will need:

  • large, ripe watermelon with dark green crust (minimum yellow spots!):
  • lemon - 1-2 pieces;
  • sugar - 1-1.2 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 bag;
  • citric acid - 2 grams;
  • drinking soda - 3 tbsp.

Watermelon thoroughly wash under running water with brush. Cut in half and scroll the pulp, send it to the food or leave for jam from the pulp. Cut the peel into two parts for the convenience of cleaning. Take a potato or a sharp knife, remove the green skin with a thin layer so that one salad flesh remains, and cut into slices.

We prepare a solution of soda 1 tbsp. on 1 l of cold water. The amount of soda can be reduced, then the pieces of watermelon will be less crispy. Immerse the berry cubes into the solution and leave for 2-3 hours. Then rinse your crust under running water and talk a little.

While the watermelon skin is soaked in Soda, prepare a syrup of 1 kg of sugar and 0.5 liters of water. For sweets, take sugar more, about 1.5 kg. Place the skins put in syrup and leave to be boiled to complete transparency. If the water is not enough, plot. It is better to use boiled. Under the end of cooking, add citric acid.

And this is not the end. Now take lemon, wash and scatter boiling water to remove bitterness. And better pour lemon in a bowl and leave for a couple of minutes. After cutting down on the slices and remove seeds. Skip the citrus through the meat grinder together with the zest, add to the watermelon crusk. In the pan once again you need to add boiling water, sugar and cook until the syrup thickens. Pour over sterilized jars and roll. Thanks to the lemon, the jam can be painted in a weakly green or emerald color, so do not be scared with such metamorphosis.

Let's start cooking jam from watermelon meat. Buy the variety of watermelon with the smallest bones, so you do not have to make a long time to make a tedious work on extracting seeds. Clean the pulp gently cut into cubes and fold into a large bowl. Pull with sugar. 1 kg of pulp leaves up to 1 kg of sugar. Leave for 3-4 hours.

The juice formed in the pan and make syrup. Fill them pieces of watermelon and cook. Gentle jam turns out if the pulp to boil to a boil, to slaughter a little on slow fire, remove and leave for 8-10 hours. Do not forget to cover with a newspaper or gauze, so that flies did not hit the Kazan.

Now bring the watermelon mass to boil again and remove for 4 hours by adding citric acid and vanilla. Once again, tapping 3-5 minutes and spill on banks. The syrup will turn out more than the pulp, but the delightful watermelon aroma will remain.

We shared two delicious recipes. Add orange, grapes, melon to watermelon, and enjoy an unusual combination of fruit berries. And in order to make watermelon candies, wipe out of the jam from the skins of slices, cut break in sugar and dried in the oven. Bon Appetit!

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