Alyci jam with bones

Alyci jam with bones

Not everyone, the soul will have a kind of luxury Alychi in the fresh form. However, in conservation, this plum has a pleasant taste and unsurpassed appetizing appetitive appearance. We offer to learn the simplest on technology recipe for cooking jam from Alychi with bones.

Choose Alych for jam

There is a lot of domesticated varieties of Alychi. All of them are universal, they can be used in raw form, prepare a variety of interesting dishes and use for conservation. If you decide to make such a jam with a bone when the fruit preserves its form as much as possible, use the fruits a bit no longer with sufficient elasticity and the tour.

Jam from Alychi with bones - Preparatory work

Preliminary preparation lies in the preparation of sugar syrup and Alyci:

  • Rinse drain, review the presence of spoiled, remove the fruits and put into the deep container in which you will directly prepare jam. (This type of training is suitable precisely for not subtreated Alychi. If you want to use ripe fruits - Make 2-3 punctures in each cream and set out 5 minutes in the boiling water, from which the syrup for jam will then be cooked).
  • For 1 kg of fruits, prepare a transparent syrup of 3 water glasses and 1,3 -1.5 kg of sugar. With hot syrup, fill the fruits and leave it for 4-6 hours.

Cooking Jam from Alychi with bones

After the syrup of Alych is fastened, put the jam on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Leave a lot of 4-6 hours (maximum for 10 -12 hours) to appear. So do 2 times. For the third time, bring the jam to a boil, tapping, carefully stirring, over 10 -15 minutes, burst through sterilized tanks. Cover the jars with warm material, leave them so much cool.

To prepare a delicacy on this instruction will be dirty by even novice hostesses, since this recipe for jam from Alychi with a bone is the easiest and not time-consuming. When you learn how to cook sweetness in this way, you can master more complex prescriptions of jams and jam, add interesting ingredients.

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