Cherry Bone Jam

Cherry Bone Jam

Cherry jam is a very tasty product, endowed with a lot of useful properties. In cooking, not very laborious, if you already have on ready-made berries without bones, otherwise you have to sweat.

Cherry Bone Jam - Preparation of Ware Berry

Get rid of bones. The first berries of Cherries appear already at the end of June and we are in a hurry to prepare the fragrant jam.

After harvesting, you must select and wash the berry. Watch it to be ripe and strong, without twigs and leaves. Further to do the most difficult from the entire recipe, namely, pull out the bones of cherries. For this, there is a special device that without problems and will quickly remove them by pressing the hand. There is also a folk remedy: a pin is taken and a round bone is drawn from a rifle growth side. The last way is more complicated, but still better than trying to do it with your hands. So the cherries will remain round and beautiful, and the jam will look much more appetizing. But specifically for those who decide to pull bones manually, there is a trick - prepare two containers with clean cool water, put the cherry into one, and in the second fold the bones constantly lowering your hands into the water. So fingers and nails will not turn on and will be clean.

Recipe for cherry jam without seeds

  • The next stage gives us the opportunity to solve exactly how jam will look like. We will get more dense and dark with a long cooking with a lot of sugar than the average 1: 1. Cherries will slide and merge with jam themselves. But we will try to make another, lighter, where every berry will be seen. So, we pour sugar to the cherry in a saucepan, where the jam will be boiled. Carefully stirring putting a saucepan on the fire.

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  • The fire must be very slow and a few minutes later the foam will appear. It is better to remove with a wooden spoon. Cherries will pester the bottom, so you need to constantly stir them. It is necessary to boil the jam in general about 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, you can have time to prepare banks: wash it carefully and quivel, dry well. Alternatively, just use the sterilizer.

Jam is ready! Carefully pour it into banks. Close the lids and turn over. Further do everything in different ways. Someone covers the banks of a coat or woolen things, someone believes that rather immediately put banks on the shelf in the refrigerator. None of these methods affects the taste of jam. But nevertheless, it is better to first put banks into a cool dark place, and after a couple of hours to rearrange in the refrigerator. Bon Appetit!

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