How to make a compote from cherry

How to make a compote from cherry

In the season of ripening cherry from it you can cook many delicious dishes. These are pies, souffle, and kissels, and juices. Cherry is well subjected to freezing, so even in winter you can enjoy this delicious berry. But if you like to preserve, then close the compote from the cherry, especially since they can be prepared in different ways.

What ingredients are needed to make a compote from cherry

For the classic compote you will need ripe cherries, sugar and water. Raspberry, currant, strawberry, apricots will fit well as additives.

So that the compote is well kept, the banks before conservation are definitely sterilize. Do the same with the lids. All the rest of the dishes that will be used (colander, pan, spill bars, etc.), do not forget to predend boiling water.

Sterilization can be carried out like this:

  • Each liter can wash with hot water. First use the detergent for dishes, and then the usual food soda.
  • Clean banks rinse with cold water and fill them with the same cold water to a quarter (250 ml).
  • We install banks in a cold oven and burn it.
  • Wait for the oven heating and boiling water in banks.
  • After 10 minutes, turn off the oven and let banks stand in it for another 5 minutes.
  • Get banks and pour water from them.

Sterilization of the covers, do this:

  • Wash the caps in hot water with the addition of soda (1 tsp by 0.5 liters of water).
  • Put the covers in a wide bucket and pour them with cold water.
  • Put the bucket on fire and wait for the liquid boiling.
  • Boil covers 10 minutes.

How to make a compote from cherry classic way

  • Pure berries place in a large saucepan and pour them with sugar. For every kilogram of Cherry, take 700 g of sugar.
  • When the sugar becomes pink, fill the contents of cold water pans (per 1 kg of cherries - 2 liters of fluid).
  • Put the saucepan on the fire and bring compote to a boil. Boil it on the smallest heat for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Boiling compote bully at prepared banks and immediately close their lids. Banks turn upside down and give them to cool in a natural way.

How to make a compote from cherry way to her pouring boiling water

Prepare such a compote very easy:

  • Ripe cherry without tails Wash in several waters. Catch off the berries on the sieve so that the glass is excessive liquid from it.
  • Put 2 cups of cherries in a liter bank and pour 12 tea spoons of sugar sand.
  • Fill the cherry with sugar boiling water.
  • Put on the can a hot lid and quickly encourage it.
  • Turn over the jar up with a bottom and cover it with a warm blanket.

In the same way, do with all other banks. Keep them under the blanket until a complete cooling is approximately 24 hours.

How to make a compote from cherry with cinnamon

Cherry is very well combined with cinnamon. To prepare such a compote, you need to use a classic recipe. While you will pour cherry with sugar water, add a small piece of cinnamon in a saucepan (1-2 cm). If you like Badyan, then put it (1 or 2 stars). After the end of the cooking, the spices will definitely delete. Next, run the compote to banks and tighten them.

How to make a compote from cherry with other berries

Compote, in which you are going along with the cherry laying raspberries, strawberries, currants or something else, prepare any of the described methods. At the same time, reduce the amount of cherry exactly twice, and instead, put other berries. Try to the strawberry or apricots to be in the compote size as the cherries - if necessary, then cut them on the halves. This is necessary in order for the ingredients to prepare at the same time.

If you do not have a roomy storage room or there is a shortage of cans, then close concentrated compotes. For them, increase the amount of sugar exactly twice, and the berries is one third. In winter, just dig a drink with boiling water and enjoy the taste of summer. Compote from cherry can not be stored for more than 6 months, because the cherry bones are in the future begin to allocate harmful sinyl acid. For longer storage of compotes from Cherry, you will have to remove bones from them. No compote bones are prepared exactly in the same ways as with a bone.

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