How to cut watermelon beautifully

How to cut watermelon beautifully

Ripe, juicy watermelon is always to the place as a dessert. And if it is beautiful, neatly sliced \u200b\u200band decorated, it becomes also the decoration of any table. Some masters create amazing figures from this berry. But it is beautifully cutting watermelon and at home, without special skills or special kitchen appliances. Master class on cutting and several options for filing watermelon.


  • acute long knife - 1 pc;
  • watermelon - 1 pc;
  • mint twigs, fresh berries, coconut chips (optional, for additional decoration).

Specite cutting will look if you take a watermelon oblong form. Before cutting well, wash the watermelon and dry the napkin or paper towel.

Place the watermelon on the side so that you can be comfortable to cut it. Take the knife and smoothly cut the "covers" on both sides.

Then make a cut along half. Also do and with the resulting halves.

Each receiver searched the flesh from crust. To do this, carefully swipe in a place where the flesh begins to brighten, along the whole crust.

Turn the pieces of watermelon with a long side to yourself and cut the pulp across the slices. The size of the lobes choose your desire.

Spread on the crust of watermelon sliced \u200b\u200bslices in a chess order so that each slightly moved to the side.

Find your fantasy further. Decorate with fresh berries, fruits, you can sprinkle with coconut chips. Mint twigs are very well suited as design for feeding.

If you have a special round withdrawal for vegetables and fruits, you can organize the flow of portion, in vases or glasses.

To do this, cut the watermelon across and gently remove the flesh in the form of balls from each half.

Empty watermelly half is perfect for serving, if it is not damaged. Edges Cut in the form of beautiful teeth or think up the pattern.

Even drinks in watermelon look original. Beautiful idea for a party.

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