How to choose a ripe watermelon

How to choose a ripe watermelon

Well, that came the long-awaited season with all the favorite, bright, fragrant, sweet berries - watermelons. Most of the shelves are filled with pile striped, all sorts of size and forms of instances. How to get the best, of all offered, berry? We will give advice how to choose a ripe watermelon, tasty and, most importantly, useful.

When buying watermelon

The main season of ripe "delicious polymatics" falls on the second middle of August - September. By purchasing watermelons of the previous time for their maturation, you risk buying a unworthy fruit or "nitrate cocktail".

How to choose a ripe watermelon - inspect

The appearance of watermelon is the main determining of his ripeness and harmlessness. Do not hesitate and always carefully examine your purchase, because it is the key to your safety.


Pay attention to the cover of the watermelon. They must be without visible external flaws. Cerented, cracks are all signs of surpassed fetus and its improper transportation.


A sign of ripe watermelon is dense, brilliant, the most contrasting and solid crust. If you can easily pierce the cover of the watermelon with a nail, while the berry smells of freshly acted grass, and its color is blurred - immature fruit.

Color barrel

The correct sign of ripe "polysya" is a pigment stain of a saturated yellow or orange. It is simply explained: the late fetus dries the side tail, the production of chlorophyll and the flow of moisture ceases.

Choosing "Arbuzihu"

The most ripe and sweet fruits are the berries of a female type. When buying, choose watermelons drawing on the side of the opposite tail. Girls have a flat side with a wide circle.

Melody Yagoda

Choose ripe watermelon you can sound. Follow the berries. If you hear a deaf sound - this is what you need.

How to choose a ripe watermelon - what should not be

Watermelon - a berry is not easy in every sense. You can buy a ripe, tasty and safe product, and in fact everything will be not so rosy. Therefore, when buying a watermelon you need to know a few simple rules that will help keep health to you and your loved ones:

  • The dried tail is not a sign of ripeness of berries, it may appear if the watermelon was a long time ago.
  • A major instance will not be a guarantee of ripeness and a magnificent taste. Specify from the implementers data on the berry variety. Do not chase per value, from one batch of goods Choose the Golden Middle.
  • Too bright, glossy, saturated red watermelon pulp is an explicit signal that there is this berity will be unsafe.

Do not forget that it is necessary to acquire watermelons only in those places where it is responsible and certified to check the quality of the goods being implemented. Purchase of Bakhcheva in roadside trading points is fraught with serious poisoning.

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