How to choose the right koror

How to choose the right koror

Peter I. shovel v Russia french cigorm. Yet v eighteenth century people used his v orthodox obligas. Then mystery of this drink  open winemakers with Moldova, Crimea and Krasnodar. V our days cigorm popular on holidays Easter and Christmas. His used for communion v aspect recognition his Divine drink. Buy good drink not easy, because how today for sale very many non-quality wine, and even powder. Real cigorm can define on follow signs.

1) How to choose the right koror - composition

Drink is different on type exposure:

  • ordinarywithout exposure;
  • aged –  excerpt minimum half a year;
  • vintagehis excerpt make up maximum 3 of the year.

Detailed intelligence can to know on label bottles. V beginning necessary reverse attention on « degree» product. Normal counts content ethyl alcohol on international requirements 1618%. By this cause wine refer to fasteners. First two type exposure contain 1617%, a last  – 18%.

Percent sahara  should compose minimum 80 mg. on cubic decimeter. V composition present kagora. contain exclusively natural components without all sorts dyes.

Highly often on label can see such inscription:

  • « wine table sweet». it means real drink;
  • « wine special». it simply red wine.

2) How to choose the right kahors - with constitution

For start necessary conduct monitoring price kagora as well  table wine. V basic, the latter have price below, how w. kagora.. it explained thread, what v nem. there is rectified alcohol, how and in all dessert wines.

3) How to choose the right kahvo - c vet and aroma

If wine dilute with water, then his colour remains thus same saturated, a smell aromatic. Cigormthis is sweet dessert wine. For church rituals clean cigorm not used, his mix with water. At it is tint remains bright.

4) How to choose the right kahors - with eCRET. cooking

Basic difference kagora. from the rest wine enclosed v method cooking. Peculiarity manufacturing process consists v thermal processing material. Collected berries conduct before temperature 65С.. Thus way, all paint components  save. That's why cigorm it has such colour and smell. Thanks to the special  technological processing it called « boiled wine». Drink includes notch raspberries, cherry, black currant, and chocolate and wine taste.

5) Recommendations on choice  manufacturer Kagora

Highly important at select kagora. reverse attention on manufacturer.

  • Buy product necessary v specialized lava wine. They follow per own reputation. This option eliminates probability purchases products poor quality.
  • If price products too much low, then necessary think about o expediency such acquisition.
  • Moment filling counts beginning time storageThis index make up someone value for buyer. So, w. ordinary type exposure he equals 4 month, w. marchy5 months. Having studied timing, you you can to be confident v volume, what product not overdue.
  • On dn. bottles should absent sediment, except crooken v video crystals on walls bokala.
  • Tint guilt maybe vary from red and before darkburgundy. Excluded overflow and all sorts impurities.

6) How to choose the right cigor - T ara

Many buyers not think out o volume, what quality drink maybe differ from material bottles. Tara for guilt maybe o many tell. Some unscrupulous manufacturers hide  visible sediment and lounge v glinian or too much dark glass bottle. That's why o characteristics taste can only guess.
By oRDER specialists, to drink not lost their quality necessary use only glass tara, that it has darkgreen colour. Thanks to it wine not will quickly oxidize, a flavoring properties save on long time. Not recommended buy clay vessels, because how v them drink often blinds v aspect porous material or changes taste.

7) How to choose the right koror - n rover. quality

Right wine it has bright grape aroma. Also it leaves track on surface bokala. Verify property drink can such methods:

  • At mixing 1 parts water and five parts guilt, tint drink should stay such same.
  • Take small bubble and  capacity, filled water. Bubble fill wine and clamp finger, turn over and put away finger. If this is one hundred percent cigorm, then he not mixing with water.

Select quality drink v ours country very hard, buyer maybe get lucky, a maybe and not get lucky. Similar situation not collect change n. higher organs, n. self state.

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