How to choose avocado

How to choose avocado

Avocado can safely call the miracle of nature. The luxurious fruit in its composition is rich in vitamins, minerals, mononaturated fatty acids. But the maximum benefit can be removed only from the perfectly ripe fetus. Let's try to figure out what you need to pay attention when choosing avocado.

Taste of ripe avocado

Despite the fact that avocado appeared on the shelves of our stores for a long time, few know his real taste. Ripe fruits have the flesh of the tender practically creamous consistency, which resembles a creamy oil with the addition of pumpkin seeds or nuts. Unfortunately, more often can be found unreasonable fruits, which are more like a misunderstanding pear or pumpkin.

How to choose avocado

When choosing avocado, focus immediately into several factors. Appearance, skin thickness Color pulp, of course, can be different depending on the variety. But the basic rules are still common.


With a thorough examination, note that there are no cracks and dark spots on the surface of the peel. After seeing in their absence, look at the color of the fetus.

  • The light green shade says that avocado needs to be ripening. Such a fruit will have to fly on your windowsill for at least five days.
  • Moderately green fruit can be eaten through three days.
  • Fruit of a saturated green color can fly only until the next day.
  • If avocado has a green-brown color, then it is ready to use immediately after the purchase.
  • But the fruits of very dark color should not buy. Such a condition of the skin says that avocado has already been overripe, and the concentration of nutrients in it is already much lower than the maximum. In the extreme case, you can use it right there for cooking sauces or puree. Slices such a fruit cut no longer.


To better understand how avocado is ready to eat, press it with your fingers. Ripe fruit should eat, but do not save traces from pressing. If the skin is not presented at all, you look at an immature fruit. Excessive softness, on the contrary, speaks about surfaction. The ripe fetal pulp should be a bright green or yellow shade (depending on the variety).


Another method for determining the maturity of avocado - on the tail-cutter. Mildly push your finger on the top of the fetus where you will find the place of grip. Stretch fruit will not respond to pressing. If the place of attaching a cutlery slightly springs - avocado is ready to use. The resulting dent testimony is evidenced by the frozenness of the fetus. You can tear the stalk. Ripe avocado under him you will see a bright green flesh.

How to store avocado

After buying, put a mature avocado in the refrigerator. The best place is the upper shelf. Do not allow contact with the rear wall to eliminate the possibility of fueling. In this form, the fruit can lie from two to five days. If you still have not acquired a completely mature fruit, leave it at room temperature, let him lie a few days until maturation. You can speed up the process by placing avocado next to bananas or apples. These fruits are ethylene gas, which contributes to the speedy ripening of avocado. At the same time, more often check the fruits so as not to miss the moment of full ripening and do not spoil the fruit.

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