Many apples on the autumn - dackets joy, although a lot of harvest is a lot of harvest: to jam the jam, roll compotes, press delicious apple chips, but the main thing is to lay fresh fruits on winter storage.
How to keep apples for the winter fresh - General Tips
Let's start with the fact that the winter varieties of apples are in the bed, the most famous of which are Antonovka, Bogatyr, Pepin Safrana, Northern Sinap. But even the late grades quickly deteriorate if they were discontinued with a violation of the rules. Want that apples lay to spring? Take advantage of our advice:
- to collect apples, use braided baskets from the vine or low cardboard boxes;
- upure the fruits into a warm, dry day. The best time - from noon to three o'clock in the afternoon;
- point from the lower branches, gradually moving to the top of the tree;
- from the top of the apple tree, remove the fruit with a special puller, but be careful, do not damage the fruits.
Place with apples in a closed cool room, such as summer kitchen or closed terraces. After a day, sort the fruits in size: large, medium, minor (store them in different tanks) and proceed to the crop laying.
How to save apples for the winter fresh - laying options
There are several ways to fold apples in the winter.
Simple laying
Place the fruits in shallow boxes or lime boxes, tails up, putting them in three layers, do not cross them. With this storage, spoiled fruits are visible immediately, and removing them, you will save the rest of the harvest. True, this short-lived method, it is enough for a couple of months.
Classic option
Prepare wooden boxes, old newspapers or paper napkins.
Tip: To disinfect the container, go through it by a soldering lamp.
Each apple wrap in a piece of paper, put a cut-up. Rows do so much so that the box is not browful to the fruit slide.
In a cardboard box, fold apples with layers, speaking them with chips from hardwood trees - birch, linden, ash. If there is no chips, it is suitable - layer husk, moss, peat, dry birch leaves.
Usage packages
Non-damped, sorted apples Pack into dense polyethylene bags by filling them up to half. Tie a rope. For air circulation, pinches a toothpick several holes from different sides.
How to keep apples for the winter fresh - storage locations
To keep the apples in the winter best in the cellar or basement, where the temperature ranges from 0 to + 2ºС, and humidity is not more than 85%. Before laying a crop, treat the storage walls from mold and fungus, using a hawed lime, a sturdy manganese or infusion of Machorka.
In the city, packaged apples store on the glazed balcony. You can put the boxes with fruit on the windowsill and keep the windows open. If the fruits are completely small - hide them into the refrigerator.
How to save apples for winter fresh - processing methods
Eliminate apples from rotting will help processing with different compositions:
- hold the fruit of 2 seconds in a 2% calcium chloride solution (sold in a pharmacy) and dry;
- wipe apples with a rag moistened in glycerin;
Warning: Before eating such fruits, rinse them thoroughly with soap.
- fill the stuffs of molten paraffin (you can drip a candle);
- write apples ultraviolet lamp. To do this, place the harvest on the table, chairs, the floor and direct the light on it. The event time is half an hour. The distance from the fruits to the lamp is 1.5 meters.
Next, the processed fruits laid the selected way and remove the place.
So, do not be lazy - collect, pack, send vitamin apples to storage so that they survive the winter bed and please you with their taste and aroma in the spring.