How to save cabbage to spring

How to save cabbage to spring

From fresh cabbage you can make a huge amount of delicious and useful dishes. Proper storage of this vitamin vegetable in the fresh form will help preserve its properties until spring and give the opportunity to enjoy your favorite dishes.

The main condition for ensuring the full safety of the cabbage is its correct and timely cleaning - assembled earlier or later the laid deadline will not be saved until spring. Therefore, an important and main point is the temperature of the temperature regime.

You can save the cabbage with the way of digging it with the root: the dumped souls are neatly manually cleaned from several green upper leaves, they are suspended in a blurred draft place and are dried several days. After that, such cochanists need to be tied up two and stored in a suspended state in a cool place (cellar, basement). This method will be more productive.


The cabbage lattice is perfectly stored in boxes or shelves, in a cool place. In winter, periodically, knockerels need to be inspected, taking off the disappearing and loading leaves.

An interesting way to save the cabbage is to instill it in earthen ditch. After harvesting, the coach is buried by knockers up, with a falling asleep with a thin layer (10 cm) of the Earth. Before the main cooling layer of the Earth should be increased to 30 cm. With this way of storing cabbage will remain fresh for a long time.

Yes better

Another method will be the storage of cabbage in clay. The Kochan peeled from non-touching leaves is deceived completely (so that no leaves can be seen) clay, according to the consistency, similar to the dough for the pancake, and is suspended for dyeing in the outdoor. Next, the kochens with the dried clay on them are transferred to the basement and are so stored until spring.

A good storage method will be the packaging of the Kochan in paper, which is tightly turning around it and stacked in a plastic bag, without tying.

All these methods are effective provided that the temperature conditions will be observed (ideal conditions from -1 to no higher than +3 ° C) and humidity (from 90 to 98%) in the room where your crop will be stored until spring.

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