How to deal with pests cabbage

How to deal with pests cabbage

Forever to get rid of pests on its plot will not be able to not be a single gardener. All known methods of struggle only minimize damage. Save the future harvest cabbage will help unaccompanious knowledge about chemical and organic protection products.

Alternating cabbage and garlic landing, you will dump the cabbage fly. They will cope with an insatiable incineration and spraying with influenza chamomile - pre-leave for 12 hours in the water bucket dry flowers and leaves of the plant. In 10 liters of water, 24 hours inspect 50 g of chopped garlic. From chemical means of combating insects, choose the treatment with a solution of the Aktara preparation.

The cabbage scoop will avoid cabbage sites with sage and chamber. Prepare the infusion of pepper. Take 50 g of dried peppers. For an hour boil them in 1 liter of water. Leave the decoction for 48 hours, and then strain in the container with a tightly adjacent lid. For the processing of a bowler, divert 0.5 liters of infusion in 10 liters of water. The working solution will fasten well on the cabbage leaves when adding 50 g of the household soap. Conduct processing insecticide "Karate Zeon" or "ISS".

Landing of cucumber grass scares slugs. From them to stack near the cabbage and the corners of the garden of the nettle. Drop the perimeter of the garden is a deepening and fill it with ash, lime, ground pepper, tobacco dust. Use against mollusks to poison "thunder".

The famous cabbage beyanka does not tolerate substances that are distinguished by mint of the pepper, pyrhem and bitter wormwood. If the caterpillars of the Belyanka are already shopping on the cabbage sheets, then take 2 glasses of wood ash and pour them into 10 liters of water. Add the household soap and spray plants. Do not break the weekly mechanical destruction of Beyanka caterpillars and pest pendants. Observing the instructions, handle the cappist by the preparation of Iskra-M.

In order for the cabbage sheets, the fault is not started, basil, dill or tomatoes are grown next to the plant. Save the harvest from the rzhore for the brave of a beam from a lowwood, infusion on tomato treasure and an anxiety and soap solution. Apply the "Spark" insecticide.

Cruciferous flea avoids cabbage sprinkled with tobacco dust. "Swamp" the vegetable is better at dawn, when there are drops of dew on the leaves, and you can do it yourself with water cabbage. From chemical protection tools, select "Karate Zeon" or "ISS".

Cabbage Lista will turn off the elimination of last year's post-harvest residues, cleaning the beds from weeds, compliance with crop rotation. For the preparation of the working solution, use Aktellik and Bolkla.

Prevent the mass spread of the podlovka fastening and weeds. During the growing season, trees with a cappist with a lepyocid preparation.

Exchange the Medvedka will help the green branches of alder. They must be stuck in the ground at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. Purchase ultrasound dischargers or Medvetoks preparation.

The resistance of the cabbage to pests is strengthened by the correct agrotechnology of cultivation.


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