Earthwood rat, how to deal

Earthwood rat, how to deal

An earthwood rat shares on litters litters, which often watered. Often the animal can be seen near rivers or canals. It feeds rodents with grain and vegetables, which significantly reduces the crop. Few leave will be pleased with this neighborhood, so in this article we will tell how to deal with an earthwood rat.

If the rodents on the site are a bit, most likely, the system of underground strokes is unbranched. To combat pest, you can use arc traps. They must be installed near Nor. Keep in mind, the entrance to the ownership of the rat hides under the layer of leaves and land, so it is initially necessary to find a hole. After that, remove the leaves from the deepening and install the drone. Pour it with the ground and subtle branches, it is necessary that the rat see the trap.

Earthwood rat, how to deal

If you do not want to acquire traps, you can build a trap yourself. To do this, insert the pipe into the hole that drew the animal. It can be a galvanized or a piece of a metal tap pipe. The edge of the cylinder can brew. Remember, if you just stuck the pipe into the ground, the rat will cut a new hole and get out of the trap. It is necessary to install the pipe vertically, so the beast foots will slide on the metal surface, and it will not be able to get out. Do not forget from time to time to inspect traps and extract rats from them. Set the cylinders is necessary around the perimeter of the entire site.

Earthwood rat, how to deal

If your garden chosen the whole family of rodents, you will have to use poison. Ratron Giftweizen or Reefs are most effective in relation to rats. These poisons are made of grain with the addition of poisoning components. Joing such food, the rat is dying. If you do not want to kill rodents, purchase an ultrasonic repeller. It makes a sound that does not hear the human ear, but catches animals and insects.

Earthwood rat, how to deal

There are also folk methods of struggle with earthy rats. You can smoke an animal from the hole with the help of rabbit skins. Google a piece of skirts with fur and lower in Nora. After some time, rodents will leave their possessions. If you do not have rabbit skins, you can use kerosene. Soak themselves with a straw or peat and lower in Noura. Top pour some more kerosene.

Earthwood rat, how to deal

If there is a cat on the site, then rodents will quickly run away from such a neighbor. If you have extra money, take the vibrationr. This device vibrates in the process of operation, which does not very much like rats. It is advisable to install several devices around the site. The easiest way to drive the rats, the bay of their hole with water. Only you first need to find them and install the cappos at the outlet. An animal, fleeing from the flood, cares for a trap. So that the rats do not penetrate your cellar and did not eat all the stocks of vegetables, pour a little wood ash on the floor. The smell of Gary scares rodents.

Earthwood rat, how to deal

Make an indulge yourself, for this mix wheat flour with plaster and put a tank with water next to the bait. An animal, tasted such a "treat" and driving it with water, will die for 10-30 minutes. Gypsum when entering the water will turn into a thick porridge, and then hardens.

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