How to fight with a colorad beetle

How to fight with a colorad beetle

"Guest" from the American Colorado state is the eponymous beetle, despite its miniature sizes, has long become a thunderstorm of gardeners and gardeners. Get rid of the colorado beetle with chemical poisons - herself is more expensive. We will take the same poison in food when you dig a treated potatoes from your own garden or the country area. So let's fight with a striped buckashka "without GMO." Assistants in the fight against the colorad beetles around at least debug. They just need to "know in the face."

Broth of poplar leaves. We collect half a tree of the tree leaves, pour to the top and boil half an hour. After that, insist the decoction within 4-5 days. Focusing and with the help of a pulverizer process bushes affected by beetles and larvae. To do this, however, you need not one day, but a few, repeating the procedure in 3-5 days. Spray the best in the morning, after drying dew or in the evening - until it appears. 3 weeks before harvesting the processing should be stopped.

Infusion nettle. Send the bucket of this plant, grind and pour water. Insist the tool during the day. After that, strain, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10 and spray the potatoes bushes from the pulverizer along the same scheme as the decoction of poplar leaves.

A drop of nicotine kills not only a horse ... do not bring tobacco and colorado beetles. Especially with their tobacco infusion cooked by such a recipe: 500 grams of stalks and roots of the plant are poured with water (10 liters). Increases 3 days, after which they are filled with, 50 grams of household soap are added, poured into the spray gun and sprayed bushes.

The smell of rotting husks are categorically unpleasant with a striped beetle! Therefore, before planting potatoes, add some onion "clothes" to each well. Colorands will work out such bushes.

For the same principle, coniferous sawdust act, they are also added to the well before planting.

A powerful tool in the fight against the beetle-pest is wood ash. During the landing, each well need to treat ash. And as soon as the bush grows up, spray it with an infusion of ash, which is preparing like this: 2 kilograms of ashes is added in 10 liters of water. The mixture is stirred and divorced by water in a ratio of 1:10.


Also, the inventive gardeners came up with several ways to "deceive" the Colorado Beetle. For example, canning cans use, on the bottom of which the pieces of potatoes are stacked. Banks are laid out on the site and cleaned from pests daily.

Potato cleaning do not hurry to throw away. They can be divided into small bugs and decompose on the site where potatoes grow. The bait attracts beetles, after which the handhelter should be poured kerosene and burn.

Potato peelings

Do not love beetles-colorads and unpleasant neighborhood with some plants. For example, with beans. When planting potatoes into each well, throw a pair of beolines. And the beetles score, and the double harvest will collect.

"Spit appetite" by Colorado beetles will be plants planted in aisle - calendula, velvets, garlic, kinza, dill.

The main thing in dealing with the Colorado Buccus to remember that the extermination of beetles is not effective, if not fighting with larvae. And destroys the beer offspring the usual ash, which you can sprinkle the affected leaves.

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Ivan Ivanovich 08/18/2014 at 10:48.

Well, maybe ...

To answer
Anfisa smirnova. 08/22/2014 at 1:34

What we just tried ... But they stopped at the ultrasound scan. Our (ecosneper) acts in the zone of about 1500 sq. M. Well, we, of course, were not exactly measured :), but the fact that the moles left after a while - yes. This is the main thing.

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    Vladimir. 07/23/2016 at 9:52.

    And how do you prevent krota? They are predators, eat only beetles, worms, snails ..

    To answer

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