How to deal with aphids on plants

How to deal with aphids on plants

One of the most malicious and difficult harmful insects is the TLL. They settle on young shoots that have formed buds and suck juices. As a result, the plant is drained, cares or infects viral infection - gallium formations. Tlima allocate sweet milk - the Pad, which attracts the ants. They protect the TRU and can carry them on a new plant. You can deal with these malicious pests with biological, mechanical and chemical methods.

The mechanical method is to remove the thumb. You can rush out of the hose with a strong jet of water. To completely get rid of the Tly, this method will not help.

Zlatagozki and ladybugs eat tool, so they can be attracted to their garden, putting a nasturtium, cosmeya or order larvae in garden centers. Burning, too, eat TRU. You can attract them with umbrella plants: dill, parsley, carrots.

The wave does not like onions, garlic, Dalmatian chamomile. It is necessary to plant them near plants exposed to the attack of tool. Green Terle can be scared with lavender, and a black - chamber.

In two glasses of warm water to dilute 2 spoons of soap of liquid and add a glass of vegetable oil. All this is mixed and spraying the affected plants after the evening is not harmful insect. Such a mixture envelops the TRU and does not allow them to breathe.

Two glasses of tomato leaf pour two glasses of water and give breeding two days. Infusion is filtered and transfused into the sprayer. It is necessary to process the stems and the lower sides of the leaves, where the colony of the tool is mainly concentrated.

Informatives of garlic, wormwoods, sharp peppers, nettle are possessing an effective action. Treatment is carried out 3 times with an interval of 7 days. In the same way, they are sprayed with an infusion of 2 glasses of ash with the addition of 50 GB of household soap.

Chemical method of fighting tool - use of insecticides. For indoor plants, you can use phytodeterm, agroventine, actuar. For garden vegetation, along with those listed, carbofos, Mitak, Kinmix are used. It should be sprayed with these chemicals to the dissolution of the kidneys, and for fruiting trees, shrubs are also a month before the crop ripening.

Sometimes the tribes completely fascinate the plants and it seems that they will not cope with them. But do not lower the hands, the integrated use of these methods will definitely give a positive result.

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