Economic Soap from Tlim

Economic Soap from Tlim

The wave on the site is able to reduce all efforts to grow vegetables, berries and fruits. She not only sucks juice from plants, but is the carrier of many dangerous diseases. In garden stores you can buy many effective chemicals from the Tly, but it is better to try to fight with her with the help of priests. Fruits and berries in this case will be environmentally friendly, which is important to maintain health.

Folk Methods of Fighting Tli

Gardeners-gardeners TRU are destroyed by the most diverse ways:

  • wash off with water;
  • spray infected plants with informy grain grasses;
  • attracting insects and birds feeding in the garden;
  • pop the places of cluster of rolling with bulk materials (ash or ash).

One of the most effective folk methods is the use of household soap. How to use them to destroy TRU, read further.

Soap solution from the household soap

Make it very simple:

  1. Sattail on a large grater of 300 g of household soap.
  2. Pour the chips into the declined bucket and pour 2 liters of warm water.
  3. Wait until the soap is dissolved. To accelerate the process, stir it with water using any long item (stick, old spoon, metal pin).
  4. In a thick, soap solution, pour 8 liters of water and mix until uniformity.

Tar can be destroyed and with the help of liquid economic soap, which is intended for washing very dirty clothes and bags from vegetables. It needs to be dissolved in the same way in water, but for 10 liters of liquid, take 125 ml of liquid soap. Also well proven itself in the fight against a toxic washing soap. It will be needed even less - only 100 g on the water bucket. But the effect of such a solution on the TRU will be the most effective. It is present in the composition of the soap, it will help to heal small wounds and cracks on plants stems.


If you have wood ash, then use it with soap and it:

  1. Squake ash through the fine sieve, so that you have it three hundred grams.
  2. Put a bucket with 10 liters of water on fire and pumped as ash in it.
  3. Bring to a boil and boil 30 minutes.
  4. Create an oloc solution, and then dissolve 40 g of grazed economic soap in it.

Soda-soap solution

Take 1 dining room with a slide spoonful of soda and a quarter of grated on the grater of a piece of soap. Fold everything in the bucket and fill 1 l hot water. Stir up to homogeneity.

Solution with soap and tobacco

200 g of dry tobacco leaves crush into dust, pour it into a bucket of water and add a couple of fresh bitter peppers, sliced \u200b\u200bby small pieces. After daily instead, add 2 tbsp. l. grated soap and 2 tbsp. l. ash.

Solution with soap and tomato tops

To combat Tley, use the leaves or the tops from tomatoes. Take 4 kg of raw materials and sneak finely. Fold in a bucket and fill with 10 liters of cold water. Insist 4-6 hours, and then put cooking. After the thirty-minute boil, put 50 g of the household soap in the bucket and boil before it dissolves.

How to use soap-based solutions

All the above solutions can be used only cooled to room temperature. Usually, the processing of bushes and trees is made using a garden sprayer. So that it does not fail due to the sowing of soap, ash or plants stems into the tube, any solution is needed to strain through gauze. Treat plants from Tlima is possible with the help of an ordinary economic broom. It should first dip in the bucket, and handle the bushes shook. For this method, a prepared solution is optional.

Start fighting a tool as soon as you see it on plants. Do not delay the processing in a long box, because the TL will multiply very quickly. There is evidence that during the spring, summer and autumn, the wave ensures the life of fifty their generations. Also destroy and Muravyevwhich are pedestrers of phones around the site.

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