How to get rid of aphid on currant

How to get rid of aphid on currant

Currant is a useful plant, the taste of fruits of which is known to everyone since childhood. The healing properties of the shrub and its berries provided him with widespread use in folk medicine. But the fans of currants are not only people, but also insect pests. The most active and aggressive is the TLL.

TLL - a small insect (up to 5 mm). Its shades range from green to black. With the arrival of spring from overwhelming eggs, female tribes come out and begin to actively multiply, hitting the shrub. The pest pierces the slim proboscis leaves and shoot the plant and feeds it with juice as much as possible. Exhausting the plant, the TLL goes to new and new bushes. One of her faithful satellites are ants. Therefore, having started fighting the pest, come across the adjacent anthill.

Stages of dealing with tool on currant

Reaching the affected plants, the destruction of the pest should be immediately apparently. Sick shrubs give a small harvest of not very high quality.

  • First of all, the plant from the Tly should be saved. Depending on the scales of lesions, either rinse the leaves or delete them. In the first case, the plant is driving a jet of water, the leaves are cleaned with cotton swabs. In the second - it is necessary to break the damaged leaves and the tops of the shoots with the colonies of the Tly, and after burning them.
  • Conduct the handling of shrub antiparasitic compositions. Special attention should be paid to the opposite side of the leaves - the place of the greatest cluster of the Tly.

Tools for the destruction of phonings on currant

For the treatment of affected bushes are used as organic and chemical compounds.

Chemical impact

In this case, the liquidation of pests occurs due to the poisoning of parasites by chemicals. Their action happens:

  • Contact - penetrate the cover of parasites and immediately kill them ("Fufan", "Fury", "Carbafos").
  • Intestinal - fall into the body of the Tley when absorbed by the treated leaves ("Kondor", "Bi-58 new").
  • Systemic - after processing the juice of plants remains poisonous for a long time ("Aktara").

The use of such funds is recommended in cases where the time is limited or there is no effect on the use of organic compositions.

Organic compounds

  • In 10 liters of water add 200 g of the onion bow. The resulting composition is left for a day, and after - process currants.
  • 200 g onion husks are kept in 10 liters of water 4 days. Next processing is performed.
  • Connect 100 g of bitter pepper in pods and 1 l of water. The composition of peak, give 2 days to stand and squeeze. Before spraying bushes, breed the composition of water in a 1: 7 ratio.
  • Fill 1 kg of medicinal chamomile 1 bucket of water. The resulting solution should be insisted 12 hours and strain. Before applying currant on the bushes, distribute the composition in the ratio of 1: 3. To enhance the effect it is possible to add a household soap.
  • Collect 3.5 kg of fresh cleanliness and place it in a container with 10 liters of water. Leave the composition for a day, and after applied to patients with plants. Dry grass is suitable for fusion.
  • 100 g of dried citrus peel Fill 1 l of water. Insist the day.
  • 400 g Machorkas or tobacco place in a bucket of warm water. Nasty 24 hours and strain. Before processing, the solution is divorced by water in a ratio of 1: 2 and 50 g of soap is added.
  • Divide 1 tbsp of soda on 1 liter of water. It is recommended to add a little soap.

Optimal processing frequency is 1 week.

Prevention of the appearance of aphid on currant

As in relation to any disease, the prevention will be easier. What measures to reduce the likelihood of the attack of the Tly?

  • Competent plant care. Do not overproofing it with fertilizers (so that insects love). Landing and subsequent watering should occur in a timely manner. This will allow the shrubs to grow and give the power to resist parasites.
  • Do not allow tight plant plantings. Between the currant bushes should be a sufficient distance for ventilation.
  • Well scare off parasites plants with a strong aroma. Feel free to squeeze near the bushes of currants of parsley, dill, celery, rosemary, coriander, sage.
  • In the fight against insects, it should be joined at the first signs of its appearance, without waiting for the spread of the pest. So you will prevent the mass infection of plants.

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