Bugs-soldiers how to get rid of

Bugs-soldiers how to get rid of

A pretty pretty insect with a bright coloring, famous for the people as "Corn Soldier," is actually a malicious garden pest. Therefore, admire its red-black color is better outside the country area, and on its own territory with a pest, it is necessary to fight.

Clap-soldier operates "Mud." According to the example of its "domesticated" female bed bugs who love to suck blood from a person, the soldiers suck juices from plants, as well as seeds. As a result, such permitting plants lose their strength and stop fruit.

The methods of extermination of bugs-soldiers set. Gardeners and gardeners are used both chemicals and various beneficial plants, whose landing helps to fight this pest in the site. The most popular among such plants is clopogon or cymymifuga. In addition to the fact that the clopogon will help to drive out of the bugs of all kinds, the plant will also decorate your garden or flower garden. It is important that the "green friend" will help solve the problem without resorting to chemical means, which, one way or another, is poisoning the land and growing culture on it.

Protect the garden or garden from the bed-standing soldiers can be mechanically. The essence is simple: to collect manually as much pests. This method is similar to how the gardeners are manually assembled by another parasite - the colorado beetle. Of course, this is a laborious process. It is advisable to give him preference if the "soldiers" spread over the site.

The mechanical method of extermination also includes the curiy belt. You can purchase this device in the store of householders or making manually. Take a strip of corrugated cardboard of about 25 cm wide. It is necessary to cut it across the grooves, after which it can be lubricated with glue, you can pva or any stationery. A glass gambler (1.5 cm thick) should be attached to the prepared cardboard. The resulting product is attached to the wood with a wire. The way although effective, but helps protect only trees. The remaining plants will have to be protected from pests to another.

There is a lot of pesticides who are called upon to lime bugs-soldiers on your site. However, it should be understood that the chemistry will accumulate in plants and in the soil. And the pests will sooner or later "fit" to the chemical and stop reacting it. One of the most innocuous means for spraying the site is a solution of economic soap. To do this, you need to dilute 300 g of soap in the bucket of water. Spraying the site by this agent, you can significantly disperse the ranks not only bugs soldiers, but also other parasites.

The most secure way to combat clusters - biological. The funds included in it are safe for humans and effective against parasites. As a rule, we are talking about tinctures and decractions that are easy to prepare at home. For example, you can try the infusion of onion husk. It will take 200 g of husk and 10 liters of water for its manufacture. It is necessary to insist for 5 days. You can spray plants as much as possible, but not more often than once every 5 days.

Mustard Sareptskaya also "don't like" clusters soldier. The solution based on it is prepared as follows: 100 g of dry mustard must be dissolved with water to the state of the casis. After this pasta-like mixture should be dissolved in the water bucket. The solution is sprayed with pests.

In addition to the above funds, you can "call for help" birds. Attracting the feathers to the site, you will ensure not only the birds trill, but also the extermination of malicious insects.

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