How to get rid of moles in the garden plot

How to get rid of moles in the garden plot

Mals are small rodents that can cause great damage in our gardens. This is the death of seeds and fruits, damage to the bark of trees, roots of plants and bulbs of flowers. Therefore, you must recognize the damage caused by these rodents, and know how to get rid of moles in your garden.

How to recognize moles in the garden plot?

Mole is one of the largest representatives of the Rodent family. And this species usually feeds in our gardens. This is a small mammal, reaches up to 15 cm long (10 cm of body and 5 cm tail). Leads underground evening-night lifestyle. They build an underground corridor system that are numerous and strongly branched. Malns do not fall into hibernation, they are active all year round. It is quite clear that the gardeners are looking for ways to get rid of the shaluns and return to their gods for the previous order.

Warning measures from moles

  • You must regularly check if there are new tunnels.
  • Do not use too thick layer when mulching flower beds and flower beds. Because it's just an invitation for rodents.
  • Tree trunks should be tightly wrapped with special material or use casing pipes.
  • It is necessary to regularly remove weeds.
  • Very effectively landing plant plants that do not like moles. It is garlic, donel, mint, mustard, black currant, walnut.
  • Effective and disemboditating unloved decorative plants, such as lilac, velvets, daffodils, marks.

If you want to drive out a gilt from the garden, plant these plants throughout the perimeter of the site. Mals do not like the smell and taste of these plants, and will be avoided next to them.

Traditional methods of getting rid of moles

Methods of getting rid of mole can be found a lot. Are they effective and, above all, humane? This is controversial. We have prepared for you some effective ideas to remove these small pests from the garden.

  • Install the federal wire mesh directly to the ground. This will prevent the access of rodents to your plants, but still will allow plant roots to pass into the ground. However, this is possible only before landing.
  • The most humane method is the use of traps. After catching the pest, you can take it into a safe place in the wild. Mole does not get injury, and you can enjoy a beautiful garden.
  • More often and plentifully water the garden. Moles, as a rule, are digging below if the soil is wet enough.
  • Sound package is another method that acts with varying success. The radiation of a very high penetrating sound is annoying animals and makes them quickly leave the source of this sound.
  • The use of poisons and chemical pesticides has become common in our time. This, of course, is not a humane method. The poisons quickly kill rodents, but negatively affect the environment. In addition, they can harm any other animals.
  • Relive the power of the power supply. These rodents eat larvae and worms that need moisture to survive. Spray with a special solution of the vertex of your plants and the soil, it will make worms go deeper into the ground. What makes it more difficult to find the meal. Without a rodent power source, ultimately goes into another place.
  • Fill feline toilets in the tunnels of the Crow. He will hear the smell of waste of his natural enemy and penetrate the tunnel elsewhere. Repeat it once a week to keep the strong smell in the tunnels.


Interesting facts about the crumbs

  • Mole has such a good rumor that even hears the sound of falling raindrops to the soil.
  • During sleep snores.
  • It has 44 tooth.
  • Mole terrible inches.
  • Mals eat rainworms. As a result, a decrease in the quality of the soil. After all, worms are saturated with humus.
  • During the day, Mole eats the amount of food equal to its weight.

44 teeth

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