How to get rid of moss on the garden plot

How to get rid of moss on the garden plot

Do you have a moss on the plot, in love with the lawn lawn in front of the veranda? If not to take urgent measures, this unpretentious weed will switch to fruit trees, household buildings, roof and facade of the house.

Moss - a dispute, not having a perennial root. Absorbs water and nutrients with the entire surface of the sheet, grows everywhere where there is enough wet air. Negatively affects the flowering and fruiting of cultivated plants.

Causes of moss on the garden plot

Many dackets try to remove moss from the site, digging annually and pulling it out, but in the spring it appears again. To get rid of the weed forever, it is necessary to understand for what reason he settled you, and try to eliminate it.

  • Excessive moisturizing. Take the land in a handful, squeeze, roll the sausage. Happened? In the soil, much water is the best place to grow moss.
  • Squeeze soil. Here the parasite feels great, growing rapidly, releasing long bright green straight processes. It is possible to determine the pH by plants. If fuel risels appeared on the site, the yellow flowers of the butter or the Bolotnaya - the soil is strong, pH \u003c4.5.
  • Constant scene. Unlike other plants, Moss loves Tandanes and perfectly feels there. It grows on the ground, conquering a new territory, capturing the flower beds, cobbled tracks, the founding of fountains.
  • Low-minded lawn. With a short haircut, the green carpet weakens: blasting die, start grew. The heat generated at the same time creates favorable conditions for the settlement of the MSH disputes properly.


How to get rid of moss on the garden plot

Understanding why Moss appeared in the country, choose the way to destroy it.

  • If the plot is rejoisled, haul through its perimeter several grooves for water drain or add river sand to the soil. It will improve the draenage of the soil, will dry it that makes the moss leave the mastered possession.
  • For deoxidation of the soil, make the spring lime-fluff at the rate of 50 kg per weave. Suitable for this purpose chalk, ash, dolomite flour. There is still an interesting way to reflect terrain. Place on this section Facelia. Give her to bloom, eat, leave on the ground. In the season you can have time to do a few bevels, as Facelium grows quickly. For the winter, this seder will turn into an easily dismantled fertilizer, which will make a neutral source from acidic soil.
  • Moss on the shaded area is pretty simply, it is enough to proper and trim the plant so that the sun's rays be laid most of the day.
  • If the parasite has already settled on a green lawn, spend its ventilation - to drain the lawn to the depth of 8 cm or go on the grass, putting sandals for aeration. When forming the blash, make a mixture of earth with sand in the pits. The lawn bald was 50% - sprinkled with a wet grass with a complex fertilizer, which consists of iron and nitrogen sulphate. The first will destroy moss, the second - activates the growth of herb.

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How to get rid of moss in greenhouse

Sometimes in the middle of the country garden seasons in a greenhouse or greenhouse starts green soil - Moss appeared. What to do in this case?

  • Open all the vents, fraamuga, doors and ventilate the room. Temporarily do not irrigate the plants, use dry watering.
  • Singing a church with a chill, inspirate the soil peat or recoverable vegetable residues.
  • Spray the greenhouse herbal composition. Push up in a bucket of 200 gr. Linden flowers and leaves of May wormwood. Fill in five liters of boiling water, let it be up to cooling. Perfoliate and process the structure.

For prevention before sowing seeds, reap the soil with potash fertilizers, and in the fall after harvesting - with hawed lime.


How to get rid of moss on the roof

It happens, moss appears on the roofs of country buildings. Do not expect that weed dries from the heat and will die. Start destroying it until he settled your garden.

  • Cleaning moss you need to be closer in the late afternoon, in windless weather. Take a soft brush and scrub the weed, dropping it to the ground in a certain place where the cardboard is raised.
  • Collect the garbage in the bucket, burn it on the bore.
  • Rinse the roof with a chlorine-containing bleach with water - 1: 10.

Such procedures will not get rid of MCH forever, but three years can live calmly, without thinking about the unwanted Guest.

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The fight against infected soil and green roofs do not take much time with you, if you do this problem in time, using our tips.

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