TLL on cucumbers what to do

TLL on cucumbers what to do

Every day there are more and more genetically modified products. That is why young families tend to acquire a cottage or a segment of the countryside. It is not easy for recreation, but also the ability to grow natural vegetables. Unfortunately, such undertakings often end in failure, due to lack of experience and ignorance, how to deal with pests.

If after disembarking the cucumbers you saw that the leaves twist, pay attention to their inner part. Usually, small bugs are accumulated under the sheet. They can be practically transparent or black. These insects call Tley. It is impossible to ignore the problem, since the wave slows down the development of the plant and can lead to his death. When the plant population population colonies, the flowering period is shifted, respectively, the harvest does not have time to mature.

TLL on cucumbers what to do

There are many methods of fighting tool. You can use a people's way or make seedlings with pesticides. Try to get rid of insects with the help of plant tinctures. You can use the dandelion tincture to combat aphids, for the preparation of which it is necessary to fill 3 liters of water for the preparation of the roots and shoots of the plant. Let settle the solution of the day and treat them seedlings of cucumbers. Try to make the fluid on the colony of pests. Conduct processing 2-3 times in a row every other day. After a week, the number of insect colonies will decrease.

TLL on cucumbers what to do

You can use conventional ashes to combat aphids. In the water bucket, pumped two glasses of wood ashes and mix thoroughly. You can add a little economic soap to the solution, it will improve the adhesion of the leaves, and the ash will adhere to them well. Processing such a liquid cucumbers need 2 times a week. The tincture of garlic is suitable. For her preparation, soda on a shallow grater of 0.5 kg of garlic and fill it with 5 liters of water. The resulting mixture process plants.

TLL on cucumbers what to do

Bed is easier to warn, rather than fight it, so even before planting seedlings in the ground, treat the roots with a weak solution of manganese. From time to time water the bushes with a solution of the household soap. It is enough 2-3 times for the season to splash the cucumbers with this liquid. Remember, it's best to fight with a threshing with a predator. To do this, you can point out your garden of God's cow, it feeds on tool and other small pests.

TLL on cucumbers what to do

Do not run a seedlings. It is impossible to make rusting of the series, be sure to remove extra plants. Timely fight weeds and water the cucumbers fertilizers. If you discovered a TRQ in a greenhouse, insulace the infected plant. In the absence of a result from the use of folk remedies, treat cucumbers with poison. For these purposes, you can use such as phytodener, pyrethrum, actar. Ask your neighbors by the country, you may advise you to be a good tool.

Remember, processing the cucumbers are still before the start of flowering. Otherwise, handle bushes, not asking colors. To do this, do not use the sprayer. Preference to those poisons that affect the TRU through the root system of the plant. Just only several times to pour seedlings - and pests will disappear.

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