What to do in the country in March

What to do in the country in March

March is the time to open the country season. Trees and shrubs are waiting for care after a long hibernation, and seeds are ready to propose. The entire area needs attention and hardworking hands.

Let's start with excess snow cleaning. We clean the track and rods, throwing the tight layer of snow around the young trees, in the lowlands we create channels for removing extra moisture. Ice cover can be sprinkled with ash, peat or humus in order to rather get rid of vegetation from permanent.

If the trees have not twisted in the fall, do it in March. We use water-free or lime milk. The crowns of fruit trees are sprayed with a protective solution consisting of a kilogram of lime and 10 liters of water. We inspect all trees and shrubs for cracks, frostpled sites. When those are located, we clean the wound with a sharp knife up to healthy fibers. Next, the problem space needs to be treated with a solution of copper or iron mood and smeared with cement or a garden boiler.

When the frosts are behind, and the kidneys are not yet swelling, proceed to trimming trees. Get rid of dry, damaged and growing branches. Sleep too thick sections. If necessary, we are disinfection from the wintering in the soil of pests.

Cut the currant, raspberry and gooseberry. We remove dried and unproductive branches. Penkov do not leave, cut under the root. To protect against pests, the currants and the gooseberry are watered with hot water, but it is necessary to do it before swelling the kidneys.

In the flower garden it is worth leaving part of the snow so that the roots of the perennials are not subject to freezing. Right on the snow spread mineral fertilizers for spring feeding. The roots of hydrangea, roses and their likes are measured, slightly lifting the cover. If after melting the snow it turns out that the root system of the flower has booked, it must be rehanced.

Do not forget about seed seeds. February crops dive, freeing the place for new ones. First, I will warm the seeds on the battery, save the largest and high-quality, we will drive a solution of manganese, then put them in a wet gauze and a little harden on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The seeds ready for landing lay in a wet land, cover the box with a film and remove it in a dark place. When the first shoots appear, remove the film and move the container to the solar place. Closer to the end of the month, they turn into potatoes, laying the tubers in the light warm room for germination.

It is important not to miss the time and make the entire volume of preparatory work. Otherwise, you can turn your favorite plants or create uncomfortable conditions for them. And there is no seedlings at all at the time of the landing in the soil. Therefore, in March, every corner of the cottage requires a special relationship, because it is now that the foundations of a successful season are laid.

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