How to get rid of aphid on peppers

How to get rid of aphid on peppers

Each second dachank knows not when he is a word. Especially a lot of it happens on young, just planted in the ground, peppers. And if you do not accept protection measures, you can stay without a crop.

The TLL is a small insect parasitic on plants, inhibits their growth, sucking nutritious juices.

Signs ofphids on peppers

Soldering seedlings to a greenhouse or open ground, inspect her every other day so as not to miss the moment of settling the Tly. Signs that the pest chopped your pencils are visible to the naked eye:

  • the bushes of plants begin to glisten, and to the touch become sticky;
  • leafs twist, if they deploy them, you can see the accumulation of black or light green and light green;
  • seedlings change painting, moving from bright green to a lightweight color.

Finding the colony of pests, immediately begin treatment of plants.


How to get rid of thephids on peppers - folk tips

Do not rush to apply chemistry on the site, use the advice of experienced gardeners.

  • In a bucket with five liters, boiling water is distributing 100 gr. grazing household soap. Cook the tank at night, and in the morning you will spend cleansing. Water hands in soap foam, carefully collect or wash off pests. Do the procedure while water does not become a brown-green color. Dirty solution pour into a thirdous place. After an hour, spray peppers from the watering water.
  • Grind the knife two medium bustle of dandelion with roots. Place in the container, fill in three liters of water. Leave the day. Press the raw material, pour the teaspoon of the liquid soap and moisten the plant with a broom or sprinkler. The dandelion can be replaced with a wormwood and yarrow, taking the handstry of each component.
  • Place around the perimeter of the garden of flowers - Naughty, Malva, the velvets, the smell of which does not endure the wave.
  • Attract into the Ladybug plot, placing a bed with carrots and a cilantro not far from the peppers. After all, this bright red savior eats about 200 different sex, and the larva is 100 pieces. So consider, there is a chance for the pests to survive if such useful bugs live at the cottage.
  • Remove the heaps of ants from the piece of the heaps, since they, feeding in sweet milk milk, graze and protect this pest.


How to get rid of thephids on peppers - insecticides

There are situations when the Tly on the stretch broke out so much that herbal and soap solutions cannot cope with an insatiable opponent. Then chemical preparations come to the rescue. The main thing is not to exceed the dosage, prepare the solution according to the instructions and carry out no less processing than 20 days before the collection of vegetables.

  • Intavir - acceptable for open soil. The pest perishes on the second day. Efficiency - up to three weeks.
  • Aktellik - acaricide. Used both in the greenhouses and on the street. The result is instantaneous. Enough one processing in the season.
  • Fuffanon. Contact insecticide. The wave disappears in two days and will not start for about a month.

All drugs hold on plants about two weeks, so if it's time to collect vegetables, and the chemistry has not left yet, rinse the pepper before meals as it should.


How to get rid of thephids on peppers - prevention

It is not necessary to think about the destruction of Tli not at the beginning of the summer, when the pest gained strength and filled the entire summer territory, and in the fall. Embeding some security measures, you will not allow the settlement of your garden with unwanted insects.

  • At the end of September, after harvesting, treat fruit trees, shrubs, greenhouse with chemicals.
  • Take ant heaps into the forest or field.
  • Srate under the winter of Kotovnik, Garlic, Schitt-Bow, Mint. They will scare the ants and the TRU, but britched insect predators - zlatlozok, insects, cows, garbath, grip.
  • Hang in the country of feeders or birdhouses, calling into the garden of the cinexes, raspberries, kolologists, cannops. These feathered helpers will resist the pests, feeding the chicks.

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As you can see, overcome the voracious TRU in different ways. Do not break if the pest attacks your site. Choose the most effective method for your case and act.

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