How to deal with tool

How to deal with tool

Tly, whom the people are often called "TLL" are the milder enemies of dacnis. In the spring, the tribes are found on the back of the leaves or on young shoots of plants. The tli suck the liquid from the plants, which was sick and destroying the young piglery. In addition, the Tly are carriers of viral infections provoking the occurrence of gallium formations on plants.

How to recognize TRU

  • The affected buds and leaves are covered with sticky liquid, which distinguishes the fault.
  • On young buds and shoots of the plant, a large cluster of brown, green or blackphids is clearly visible. From the bottom side of the leaves, there are even more insects.
  • The affected leaves are twisted and in the end dry. As a result, the buds are not disclosed, and the fruits do not develop.
  • Incomprehensible white education among insects is a dropped tool of old skin.

Wheel can be struggling with mechanical, biological and chemical means and methods.

How to deal with a tool - mechanical method

Where it is possible, wash off the sound of a strong jet of water or remove it with your hands.

How to deal with Tley - Biological Method

You can "invite" to the garden of predators that eat tool - small birds and insects. Wheel feeds of ladybugs, gold-profiles, mukh-grovers and some types of OS. To attract the specified insects and birds, squeeze into your Siderats, nettle and fragrant spicy herbs. To be realistic, then those present in the usual insect garden are not enough to effectively destroy the Tly.

Zlatagozki and ladybugs

The larvae of the zlato-affiliates and ladybugs (the first are very effective in the fight against the tool) can be bought in the garden center or order via the Internet, and then release in your garden. Such a means of biological control can be used only for a large cluster of aphids threatening to all landings.

Birds - Tsley Shredders

In the fight against the tool, small birds are well coped: shadows, foams, tits, sparrows, hemps, wipers and kolki. They feed insects to their chicks. After hunting a TRU, they have to wipe the beak about the grass and the leaves to clean it from the sticky paddy.

Chemical method of impact on TRU

The most popular recipes against Tly enters vegetable oil and soap. A viscous consistency of oil and soap envelops the body of pests and prevents their breathing. Examine the recipes below and spray the affected plants overnight. You can repeat the procedure until all pests perish. Keep in mind these drugs destroy all insects: and useful, and harmful.

Water and liquid soap

Soap must be diluted in a bottle of sprayer, you can add oil. Most of the Tly will disappear after the first use of the solution.


  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 cup of cheapest vegetable oil;
  • 2 teaspoons of liquid soap.

Infusion of sliced \u200b\u200btomato leaves

This tincture is very soft, but is considered to be sufficiently effective among organic gardeners. Crumpled leaves Tomato are soaked overnight in water. The next day, all this is fastened and overflowed into a bottle for spraying. You can begin spraying the affected plants, not forgetting about the back side of the leaves.


  • 2 glasses of water;
  • Two glasses of chopped tomato leaves.

Infusion of garlic


  • floor liter of water;
  • 2 spoons of liquid soap;
  • 2 spoons of vegetable oil;
  • 4 clove of grated garlic.

Grinding garlic insist in water two days. For the use of the drug, only 2 spoons of infusion takes, soap, oil and water is added. All this is stirred in a sprey bottle, after which you can start spraying the affected plants.

Tli Prevention

Carefully examine all the plants purchased for the garden or just brought home. Even in the bouquet of living colors can be triggered. When a pest is found - urgently take measures to destroy it, otherwise it quickly occupies all your plants and will need much more effort to fight.

At first glance it may seem that it is impossible to get rid of these parasites - hands are lowered from the type of plants, but it is not worth a despair! Most dachants are struggling with aphid exclusively by folk methods and they help.

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