How to deal with a web tick on cucumbers

How to deal with a web tick on cucumbers

Every gardener on his way meets various insects. Some of them damage the foliage, the same bad affect the quality of the harvest. Such insects include a paouth tick, which can be found on cucumbers. This insect is covered by a plant with its thin coupling, because of this, a synthesis is broken. What happens as a result? The rays of the sun and oxygen do not fall to the shoots. Such unpleasant surprises from this insect can be avoided, for this you need to know how to deal with it.

Signs of the presence of a cucumber tick on cucumbers

Regularly examine your plants, and you can detect a web tick on the cucumbers. The presence of this pest is indicated by the following factors:

  • Small numerous points that are located on the bottom of the foliage.
  • Thin translucent cobweb on stems and leaves.
  • Slow rising cucumbers.
  • Yellowed leaves.
  • Soothes, with large-scale damage, covered by a cage, and noticeable insect movements at the tips of the leaves.

Methods of combating a spider tick on cucumbers

  • If you need to get rid of the pest on the cucumbers, first of all, rinse the plants. It is not very convenient to wash spiny cucumbers, so you can just spray them. Carefully treat all the affected parts. For flushing or spraying it is better to use warm water, you can replace it with a solution of the household soap. Sometimes gardeners are struggling with a spider tick with the help of detergents, but it is impossible to do this.
  • Delete highly affected shoots and leaves. Due to this, the reproduction of pests will decrease on cucumbers, respectively, their resettlement to neighboring plants will be limited.
  • The web tick is afraid of moisture. Therefore, plenty of cucumbers with water and cover the film as close as possible by creating a greenhouse effect.
  • In cases where you can't get rid of the web tick, you can use chemicals.

Folk remedies for the fight with a spider tick on cucumbers

  • 200g Mixture of Low and garlic husk need to be divorced on a 10-liter water bucket.
  • Place 500 g of chopped dandelions in a container with 10 liters of water, leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Mix 400 g Calendula flowers with two liters of water, insist 5 days. Dilute the infusion before using two liters of water.
  • 300 g of sorrel roots Pour in 10 liters of water, leave for 3 hours.
  • Miss the garlic, onions and leaves of dandelions through the meat grinder, the glass of the resulting cashem mixed with a spoon of the shop soap, grated on a small grater, and dive into 10 liters of water. Perfect this composition in a couple of hours.

Chemical attack against a paouth tick on cucumbers

To combat various insects, breeding yields on the vegetables, today are actively used by different drugs that have an intestinal contact action. However, such treatments need to be taken carefully. It is necessary to recover further processing that allows you to get rid of the younger generation.

Depending on temperature, processing are carried out:

  • At +30 - 4 times with a break of 4 days.
  • At +20 - 3 times with a break of 9 days.

Spraying spend in the evening so that there is no strong sun. Otherwise, poisonous substances will evaporate, respectively, will not be on pests of destructive impact. Please note if you use the same drug for a long time, then the body tick will develop immunity to it. In addition, after one processing, no more than 50 percent of insects will die. This is due to the fact that the water is repelled by the web, so it is unreal at a large result.

It is not so easy to get rid of a paustic tick, as from other pests in the garden, because it hides behind his web. Best patience, believe that you will succeed, and only then you can get rid of unnecessary insects on cucumbers.

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