How to deal with caterpillars on the cabbage

How to deal with caterpillars on the cabbage

To get a delicious, healthy and juicy crop cabbage, the plant needs watering, feeding and good protection from different pests. To enjoy young leaflets do not mind many insects, one of which are caterpillars. Consider various options for actively fighting voracious "guests".

How to deal with caterpillars on the cabbage - put it right

Caterpillars are hatched from eggs that diligently laid cabbage butterflies or cabbage scoop on the wrong side of the sheet. Score by a sharp smell of flying insects will help near landed crops, such as tomato, celery, garlic, dill, sage, mint, calendula, melissa, velvets.

How to deal with caterpillars - inspection and shelter

The most elementary and efficient means is the most elementary inspection of cabbage leaves and the destruction of the caterpillars found and eggs. But if the cabbage is planted a lot, then the gardener will need not a little time and effort to this event. In this case, the best assistant will be the creation of a tunnel from the purchase of underfloor material, or ordinary gauze. Under the fabric butterflies do not get to the plants for sure! In addition, tissue protection will save gentle leaves from sunburn and help keep moisture for a long time.

How to deal with caterpillars - home

Despite the abundance and availability of various chemicals, many daches still use only cooked solutions. They are good because they do not harm cabbage, man and easy to prepare.

  • Sugar spraying - 200 grams of sugar dissolve in 10 liters of water, after which they abundantly spray cabbage kochens. Sweet smell will attract the attention of the OS and ants, who feed their kids tracks. Useful insects destroy the pests quickly and will not harm the plant.
  • Vinegar - a sharp smell of acetic essence will scare absolutely all insects from your crop. Divide 4 tbsp in 5 liters of cold water and apply to the plant.
  • Soda - 10 tbsp. Food soda spoons Add to 5 liters of water and spray leaves. Butterflies do not tolerate its smell, and even if they dare try, they will immediately die.
  • Garlic and soap - on a large grater, scroll the car's soap bar and 5-6 large garlic heads, after which they fill the ingredients with warm water and insist 4-5 hours. Wipe the cabbage sheets with a finished solution on both sides.
  • Mustard - 100 grams of mustard to divert in 10 liters of boiling water, insist less than 24 hours. After that, with clean water 1: 1 and sprinkle to the Kochan with a mug or a bucket.

Along with spraying, it will not be superfluous to fall asleep aisle and the root space tobacco dust or wood ash. Cut the procedure at least 1 time in 10 days and then you will no longer have to see the blood leaves.

How to deal with cabbage caterpillars - chemical attack

In specialized garden shops you can purchase powerful chemicals that will quickly get rid of you from unreasonable guests. They are produced in the form of granules, ampoules or powder. The most effective is considered - enterobacterin, lepyocide, decis, butzan, FAS.

Important - Strictly follow the instructions for use, work with the drug only in protective gloves and follow the deadlines.

Also popular feeders that prevent the occurrence and reproduction of pests. As such substances, 100 g of superphosphate or 50 g of potassium chlorine are added in 10 liters of water. The feeder produces 3-4 times during the summer season.

How to deal with cabbage caterpillars - prevention

Do not forget about additional prevention measures:

  • Make sure that the cabbage does not surround the weeds and there was no rotting leaves.
  • After harvesting, remove absolutely all the remains of the plants, after which they are well drunk the soil on 2 bayonet shovels.
  • 5-7 days before the landing, we start the ridge with a pink solution of manganese, thereby destroying the remains of the perishable dolls.

As an unusual, but very effective way, gardeners came up with scare butterflies with egg shells striking on ordinary branches. There is no scientific explanation for this method, but the gardeners are satisfied with the positive result.

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