Butterfly Capping Belyanka, how to get rid of

Butterfly Capping Belyanka, how to get rid of

In May - June begins the white butterflies of cabbage whitening, which are admired both children and adults. But experienced gardeners know that these wonderful creatures are able to destroy the harvest of cabbage or significantly sway the freight view of the vegetable. In addition, the cabover transfers various fungi and bacteria on its body and, thus, contributes to the spread of diseases on the beds.

Directly the butterfly themselves do not harm crop - they feed on only the nectar of cruciferous plants. But adult insects are postponed on the underside of the leaves of the plants of the eggs, of which caterpillars appear after 10 days - they devoured cabbage. One butterfly can give life up to 300 larvae! Two weeks later, the second generation of insects appears after a half months. Wintering cabbage whitefish in the doll stage in the creams of houses and fences, in the trunks of trees and other perennial plants.

Prevention measures of the mass distribution of pest:

  • In April, spend stripping of tree trunks, and also turn all the perennials.
  • In the same period, for the destruction of dolls, wash the water jets all structures and fences.
  • Do not place near the cabbage radish, radish, turnips and levko.
  • Delete the contelurate family weeds in a timely manner, such as a coarse, burner, a shepherd bag, they attract cabbage butterflies.
  • Sit next to Melissa, Velhets, Valerian - their smell scares the cabbage whitening.
  • Also to attract the natural enemies of the cabbage to post near the seeds of dill, carrots and parsley.
  • Do not land a monoculture on large areas, organize mixed fit.

If there is a small population of insects on the beds, it is possible to manually destroy the masonry of eggs and caterpillars. To do this, time from time to time, look at the bottom of the leaves and crush the "uninterested guests". Capportean butterfly eggs have a lemon-yellow color and a bottleneck shape. In case of inspection of plants, you can also notice the egg-shaped walnie lumps - you do not need to touch them. These are the larvae of your assistant in the fight against the cabbage - rider.

To catch the butterflies, make a thick sugar syrup and add some yeast to it. Hold the tool around the plates and place the cabbage between rows. But be prepared for the fact that other insects can also be found on the delicacy.

Folk solutions for spraying from cabbage whitening:

  • Mix in equal proportions of burdock, wormwood and yarrow. Fill the mixture with boiling water from the calculation of 1: 3 and let it stand for a couple of days. Then strain - the solution is ready.
  • In a bucket with boiled water, add 0.5 liters of sinky ash, mix, let it cool and stand. Drain the transparent liquid and add 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap.
  • One bottle of Valerian tinctures is driving three liters of water.
  • For the preparation of coniferous concentrate, take 200 g of pine or spruce cones and branches, pour 2 liters of warm water and leave for a week. Then impose in the infusion and put it in the refrigerator. Before use, divert water concentrate from the calculation of 1:10.

Spraying needed every 2 weeks into dry windy weather.

In the fight against cabbage whitening, such drugs like "Karate Zeon", "Aktellik", "Kinmix", "Carbofos" showed well. It is advisable to apply chemicals only at the stage of formation of leaves, as they may later remain inside the Kochan. Therefore, on small landings, it is better to give preference to bacterial preparations: "lepyocid", "Bitoksibatillin", "PhyTenderm". Processing with these means can be carried out at all stages of vegetable development and stop only before harvesting.

During the spraying cabbage, very carefully process all the leaves, special attention is paid to the bottom surface.

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