How to get rid of bees

How to get rid of bees

Enjoying beautiful nature and holidays to summer houses are prevented throughout the season bee and wasps. Medical representatives are rarely subjected to their bite animals and people, but here are their relatives - wild bees, wasps and hornets, have more aggressive mood. They are not specifically attacking, but by virtue of their natural "unfairness." If your home or plot segged to be so difficult to outreacted individuals, follow our advice, and you must get rid of them!

How to get rid of bees - destroy the nests

Fight against the enemy alone, it means not to fight at all. When deciding to declare the bees of war, you need to find their nests and destroy. It is best to go looking for early spring, in winter or late in the fall, when they are empty. It is necessary to carefully view every corner under the roof, in the door of the shed, on the trees of the site and especially in the attic of the house. If you spend the destruction of nests in the summer, then fight the day and early morning in vain - the bees fly to the extraction of pollen, and the nests are empty. Arriving after a labor day and not finding your home home, the bees will take revenge - fiercely attack and bite. Therefore, it is advisable to delete them late in the evening, together with the inhabitants.

How to get rid of bees - means

So, we get ready to remove the nest. Pick up the tight pants and a jacket with long sleeves, the leather gloves should be put on their hands, and face and head to protect with a hat and a grid. Go to the struggle alone, without animals and children. Bees are very clever insects and can quickly calculate your intentions, burning all who is nearby. Methods for the struggle, enough:

  • Before you use any means of dangerous individuals, you need to calm down with a pioneer.
  • Treat asylum with gasoline or kerosene, the family will die instantly, and the survivors will fly irretrievably.
  • Create them the conditions of the gas chamber - apply any toxic tool, such as dichlorophos, after which the hive put in the package, tie tightly and dispose of the site.
  • There is also a softer deliverance method - hang over the hilt of red pepper or plant a lavender or Melissa near the offspring, insects will gradually disappear.

If you find a hive in the floor or wall, without the possibility of getting out, meaninglessly blocking the entrance. Be sure to have the most prompt, which will find LAZ and necessarily punish the offender. And the unacted residues from the bee nest will attract other malicious insects. In order to avoid re-appearance, all residues need to burn, and the habitat is shed a strong mortar or peroxide.

How to get rid of bees - traps

There is a safer method of getting rid of unnecessary "neighbors" - hang special traps. In specialized stores, they are sold in the form of decorative lanterns that need to be twisted on the branches of shrubs and trees. In addition to the main purpose, they act as an excellent landscape design. You can also make traps from the trunk of ate, bottles or to lend a typical box, and pour the bait and poison inside.

How to get rid of earthwood bees

Wild bees can create their asylum deep in the soil, which is very difficult to notice and neutralize. If you or homemade pets come on them or dig out, insects will instantly come into rage and climb the entire body of the offender. It is necessary to destroy the bee swarm before dawn, so:

  • To begin with, pour steep boiling water that crawl individuals with foot.
  • Then, inject as much toxic drug as possible in the refuge.
  • Finally, close the entrance to the mink with a strong cement solution - 3 kg of sand mixed with one kilogram of dry cement.

Attention! You can only fight alone with small families, if the bee nests are huge, resort to the help of specialists. They will carefully process the entire adjacent territory and get rid of you from Bee Roy forever!

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