How to get rid of OS

How to get rid of OS

The wasps are not the most pleasant neighbors, so finding them in the house, we are always trying to get rid of them. What if you found a nest near your apartment? In this article we will tell how to deal with the wasps.

If the wasps often arrive to you in the apartment, it means that somewhere nearby is a nest. To determine the place of its deployment, follow insects. You can equip the feeders on the windowsill, the working wasps will fly for food for their queen and the cub. If you can get to the nest or it is located on the loggia, do not hurry to attack. Wait for the night, at this time the insects are sleeping. Be sure to wear tight clothing and leather mittens. Put the hat with wide fields, and above the grid. It is necessary that not a single site remains, not closed with clothing. Keep in mind, angry insects will rush to attack you.

Now in the hole, through which the wasps penetrate into the socket, place the tube of the bottle with poison. This may be difloofos or sifanol. To injected poison in the "Osin House" use a long tube. Take it with a rag or after the rod appliqués in the socket close the outlet with a cloth. Spray the poison inside the socket and wait 10-20 minutes. In no case do not destroy the nest with alive axes. It is advisable to evacuate pets and family members before the procedure. After 20 minutes go, remove the nest with a sharp object and place it in the package. Tie a package and throw away. Try to scrape from the wall or frame all the remains of the nest. After that, processes the place of its fastening with vinegar or manganese, it will destroy the smell. If you do not handle the wall, the wasps can re-build your abode in this place.

In any case, do not spray poison the afternoon, an angry flock have no pity. It is difficult to get rid of insects, if you do not know where their homes. Usually wasps enter the housing through passages in the walls. Following the discovery of these tunnels is necessary to process them malathion or other chemicals. Be sure to seal the plaster moves. Before immuring tunnels soak cotton in pesticides or in the "liquid smoke", the wasps can not stand the smell. Put cotton wool in holes and immure them.

To make sure to get rid of wasps, should destroy the nest, if you can not do it by yourself, invite experts who are engaged in harassment of insects. If the wasps arrive to you from the neighbors, it is necessary to limit their access to their homes. To do this, at the outlet of the ventilation hatch install mosquito nets. They should be 2 times a week, sprinkle vinegar solution. Copes drug "Sochva", having the smell of smoke. Treat them the vents and doorways.

Remember, there is no sense to remove a hornet's nest in the fall or winter, this housing have already served their own, and in the spring the female with his "soldiers" will start construction of a new home. Therefore, in May, and carefully inspect the attic space under the roof. If you find a small nest the size of a walnut, remove them. In no case did not shoot down a stick nest, from which came the hum of insects. When it gets dark, type in a bucket hot water and place it under the nest. After that knock "wasp house" in a bucket. Cover the container with boiling water with a lid and wait for the wasps to cook.

How to get rid of OS

Avoid this neighborhood, if a family has children or allergies. For sensitive people, even a wasp sting can be very dangerous.

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